Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Touch and Go C&J 15/12/9


  1. This was way tough. Also, I think I set my goals to high and did not warm up right or have the right mental attitute to begin with...

    155x5 then grip utterly failed after attempted rest
    145x5 grip failed mid clean on rep six
    135x7 just realized it was never going to happen
    115 as rx'd

    I think I will shoot for 135 next time with a much better strategy and intensity. After attempting this, I decided the girl on the mainsite is just amazing. She is so efficient, mentally tough and she must have forearms made of twisted steel!

  2. Justin, thanks for being the first on this. I have no clue as to what weight to start with. I was thinking 135, but by the sounds of it. That will be too much for me.

  3. What a humbling WOD. After your post Justin I decided to go with 115 as well. My 9th rep in my forearms were screaming at me and I dropped the bar. I scaled to 105 and did it RX'd, but man what a burner on the forearms.

    Mainsite chick is sick in this WOD. Very impressed. I'm going to go soak my vagina now. I've got some serious work to do in the gym. No more slacking

    Later fellas

  4. THis one is a killer on the forearms and I'm very lucky there was recovery time between sets. I figured 115 since I know I can do 135 but it is difficult for a set of 8. 10 on the first set until rest, then one at a time. 2nd set was worse. I did 5 strong, then really had to dig for the last 7. The last 9, were better when I got to 5, tokk a rest and fired out the last four. I closed this one out w/10 minutes of HIIT. Great workout.

  5. This was nasty, and fun. I started with 135 and got the first two rounds done, so I upped it to 145 for the round of 9 and got that done too. I surprised myself. Forearms were smoked.

    First round I got 9 unbroken, then held it and went 2/2/2. Second round I think I went like 7/3/2/1 or something I can't remember.

    Rested 6 minutes in between. I have videos of the round of 12 and 9 that my buddy Mike took if you guys want to see so you don't think I am full of shit. :-)

  6. Here's the set of 9: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkMfft3gCD0&feature=youtu.be

    I honestly think I could do this WOD with 145 or 150.


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