Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Skills and Drills - Games WOD

1 comment:

  1. Not impressed with myself at all today but this was a fun tinkering WOD.

    For the L Sit, try it like this: Make a platform for your feet that you have to hover them over, only 4" lower than where your hands are. in my case I got in between two 20" plyo boxeds, and made myself hold my feet over a 16" plyo box (but you could use anything of course). And guess what? A measly 10 seconds before I touched the other box. Tried it 3X, same thing.... TEN SECONDS! I could "hold" an L Sit longer without the strictness... but then, is it really an L SIT?

    Handstand walk, I did HS hold against the wall. Sucked balls here too. Firsts time 54 seconds then lost balance. Rested 2 minutes, then second time only 64 seconds then I pussed out.

    C2B was weird... 35-55-65-75 (miss by 1")-75-85 (miss by 1" 3X in a row then said screw it). I came VERY close to touching the bar a couple of times with 85 but just couldn't quite get it. Damn it.

    Snatch, 95-115-125-135... stopped... got a twingey knifey feeling in lower back. I'm done.

    Not sure if I told you guys but I am back in college just taking one class at a time. trying to get an IT degree...... it's been fun actually.


    PS - Gonna do the Hero WOD Thursday AM. have a couple of out of town friends coming over at 6:30 AM... one of them used to be my boss at Dell. Gonna whoop those guys.


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