Saturday, January 26, 2013

thruster/run wod or row


  1. Fletcher, was gunnning for your time from last time and I got,so my gift to you is my time of 13:16 as rx'd,have fun.

    I actually got the first 15 at 135 unbroken. I was in shock and shaking so hard it took my 20 seconds to get straped into the rower, next time I will just row the 250 with my feet unhooked as it is such a short distance it doesn't really matter. Then went 14 and 6 at 95 and 10,10,10 at 65.

    This is a great workout.

  2. Impressive you bad ass mofo you! I'll gun for this tomorrow. I think you'll take me because of your bad ass 135 lb thruster performance. My legs are still really jacked from Sean. Aren't yours?

  3. Yes, there were sore but I had some severe work related anger issues to work out. Today thrusters were my therapy...

  4. went back in time to do the 12/15 12 minute AMRAP of 15 DLs, 15 deficit pushups, and 15 box jumps. My legs are still quite damaged from "Sean"... going on the road today for 5 days. Will try to get in some hotel WODs

  5. Did a version of this is the tiny hotel gym this AM. Subbed 50, 40, and 30 lb dumbbells. Ran on treadmill.... (transition time got me some).


    Warmup was 5 minutes of going hard on eliptical, 20 pushups, 20 squats... then 3,2,1 GO time.


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