Friday, January 4, 2013



  1. My pullups let me down 4:42 as rx'd. One other minor caveat, eight below zero this a.m. so unheated garage gym was fing fing cold!

  2. I did terrible. Headache and stomach ache, just felt like a total laggard. 6:40. Nice sub 5 in the -8 Justinius the Strong! You smoked me. I just got to the point where I wanted to finish. Fran with a headache = torture.

  3. Well, I bested my previous time by almost a full 1:30 so I'm happier in a way. I do know that the weight seemed fairly "lite", I was just running out of breath! A short brutal workout.
    TT 7:01

  4. And looking back, I guess I should be a bit stoked that I did it as RX'd, which was also 10#'s more than last time.

  5. Whan do you do your workouts?

  6. Tues-Thurs @ 6:30 AM, weekends it depends. Tomorrow I was thinking 7:30. You down? Whatever comes up on the main for tomorrow....

  7. 6:30 I'm already on the road to work, but tomorrow may work for me. I'll let you know, though mornings are horrible for this old turd ; )


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