Monday, May 18, 2015

8 Minutes SP + DUs, rest 4 mins, 8 Minutes HPC + Squats


  1. Had to scale this one back... shoulder pangs coming back. So I did 75 on the SPs and just 32 DUs per round (haven't done those in a long time, banging the knee)

    So I got 48 SPs

    For the HPCs I scaled way down to 115 also because of the ol' forearm and back, and I am in a golf league too :-) So for that dude I got 82 HPCs. 20/19 first two sets, then around 12 or 15 for the rest. Air squats were nastier than you'd think because of the HPCs. Fun WOD, cool design. Funny I've been doing CF for 6 or 7 years now and I don't think I've seen this WOD format before.

    Josh got 33 SPs with 53 lbs and did 50 single unders and 25 mountain climbers during breaks.

    Josh went with 83 bs on HPCs and got himself 45 reps.

  2. I did this one yesterday, feeling slightly hung over :). I used 75 lbs for the SP and did 43 with 100 single unders on break. for the HPC I used 115 lbs and did 38 with 30 air squats on breaks.

  3. Did this one rx'd on the press, then could only warm up to 185 on the HPC by the time my four minutes was up so 2 rounds at 185 then went to 205. Different but good work out.
    SP/DU 10/50, 5/50, 5/50, 2/
    HPC/S 2@185/30, 3@185/30,2@205/30,2#205/3@205


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