Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day 2015

Today was nuts! We had 16, yes SIXTEEN people come to the house today for a Memorial Day workout. I had to be creative with the programming since we don't have 16 of anything except for weighted objects (DBs, KBs, bumpers, etc.)

So we broke the 16 people into 4 teams of 4... and for first part, we did 240 wall balls cumulatively between the 4 people. Each person does max reps wall balls while the other 3 try to hold plank until it is their turn to do wall balls. Go until 240 are done.

Then all 16 people do this:

3 rounds for time:
400M weighted run (I chose a 45 lb plate, I suggested that everyone choose their own implement, so this varied a lot obviously).
50 KBS (I chose the 55 pounder)
100 yard bear crawl (we have a green belt in the middle of our street so we used that and put cones on either side of a 50 yard distance, so do a down and back)
75 air squats

I got 34:15 or something like that... don't remember. Definitely pushed it. Wanted to beat my new pal Will who is a 25 year old bad ass 2 years removed from playing football at Clemson. Will is STRONG with the weights but is not yet used to the metcon quite ya, I did beat him by a couple of minutes :-). Don't ask me to get into a weightlifting competition with this beast though.

Then.... we broke into our teams again, and did 160 pullups each team of 4, the other three do wall sits whilst waiting for their turn on the bar. During this, I felt very woozy and pukey.

After the workout I felt really uneasy/messed up, so I took a double dose of "Ultima" electrolyte replinisher, and started recovering literally within a minute. Note to self for next year, drink this stuff during the WOD. Then I ate a huge lunch and kept eating anything I could find... kids had a bowl of leftover bite sized pancakes. Dad mowed them down. Now I feel almost normal so I'm going to sit by the pool with some friends and whack beers.


  1. Posting comment to trigger notification. That was epic! Want to do the same thing next year, hence the detail.

  2. Well staged, coach Fletcher. If you ever get sacked at your current job, you've got a future as an event planner. That was awesome, mostly after it was over.


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