Friday, May 8, 2015

Tommy V!!!!


  1. Never done this WOD, and never done any WOD with this many climbs. I started the last 6 RCs @ 17:00, but I just could barely do those last ones, I was on the ground like an animal in between. 21:33 RX'd. Very hard, on a bad night's sleep. Cool day in the gym though, because Jeff went from having never climbed up the rope (except a single climb legless once in a while) to doing a scaled version of this that saw him get through 15 climbs. NICE!

  2. man after looking at the main site my time is pathetic!

  3. I did bastardized version of this, 3 sets (21-15-9) thrusters (65# is not enough, next time I will increase to 85# because I am turning into a real tough guy) and 3 sets of Harrison to bars (24-18-12). TT 16:20. Also a big shout out to Jeff, with his quantum leap in rope skillz. You go Jeff!!


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