Monday, May 11, 2015

Run a mile, then do a nasty chipper

For time:
1-mile run
135-lb. overhead squats, 50 reps
100 GHD sit-ups
150 double-unders
135-lb. sumo deadlift high pulls, 50 reps
100 box jump overs, 24 inches


  1. I reformatted this for Masters aged gentlemen, like this:

    Run/row 1/2 mile..

    Then 2 RFT:
    25 OHS
    50 GHD
    75 mountain climbers (can't do DU anymore.. knee)
    25 SDHP
    50 Box Jump overs

    Then... after the 2 RFT, run or row the other 1/2 mile

    So the Fletcherized version was to row 800M on both ends. The first round I scaled weight to 115 until I had 5 SDHP left and I thought "I know I can do the weight RXd so why am I not doing it?" so I stopped and grabbed a couple of 10's and slapped them on there, finished the last 5 SDHP @ 135 and did the second round through with 135 for both lifts. That was hard. Second round of SDHP was almost all singles, but I was being true in terms of ROM, hitting my throat with the bar and starting from the ground on the bottom. The jump overs were a nuisance! Finished the final row with a 1:35 pace at the very end because Josh was yelling in my ear. Thank you sir.

    TT 44:14. Slow. That stuff was heavy.

  2. Posting for Jeff:

    Rowed 800M, scaled lifts to 65 LBS, subbed 225 single jump rope for DUs (2 rounds), 38:58. Next time need to go heavier on sumo’s at least.

  3. I did 2 rounds of 1/2mile run, 65# lifts (sumo & OHS), 75 MCs, 50 box jump overs, 50 GHD (on exercise ball w/ 12# ball).

    Also I scaled the OHS to 20 per round as my neck was flaring up.

    TT 39:06


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