Tuesday, August 11, 2009

"The 3 Bars of Death"

Wednesday 090812
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the triplet:
Deadlift: 1 1/2 body weight
Bench press: body weight
Clean: 3/4 body weight

Set up three bars and storm through for time.
Post time to comments.
Compare to 080906.


  1. Excited, yet scared of this one again. Last time, had to drop weight and only got throuough the 6th round before had to get to work. I had plenty of time today as well as motivation. My body weight is ~205-210, but went w/ these weights:
    DLs 300#
    Bench 195#
    Cleans 150#

    Did not have to drop weight although did take some good breaks to get through the weight.

    As rx'd (mostly despite little off on the weight)
    TT: 52:49, also completed as many rounds in the same time frame as last w/o any drop in weight

  2. Morey: Outstanding to pull that off as Rx'd! I have a way to go on the cleans.

    Weight 197-200 range, so 300# dead, hand stand push ups, clean 150#. My shoulder has been feeling great and I am doing a bunch of stretching and rotator cuff strengthing so I didn't see the reason to bench and screw up all the progress.

    I did power cleans so I don't think that is a true Rx'd, but I tried the first couple as squat cleans and almost feel down, so maybe next time. All HSPs good ROM and unbroken, everthing else was sets of three lots of rest and wondering if the next deadlift would actually go up. 44:15 first time I have ever done the deads as rx'd in this one.

  3. I am fuckin spent. I had to make shift a bench out of a plyo box, it worked. Current fighting weight is 175sh set the deads at 265, bench 185, cleans 135. finished 24:05 and it wasn't pretty, lots of rest. Have done this one well under 20 before but got to climb back on the horse. Finished up, and one of my clients showed up early and I had to get it together. Feel good 2 hours later though. Peace out Myles

  4. First time with Linda. Current weight 184. Holy crap this WOD was an ass kicker. The sweat was flowing today, dripping profusely actually. Not Rx'd on the DL's or cleans.

    DL's started at 255, finished with 225
    Bench Press 185
    Cleans 135, started w/squat cleans switched to power cleans

    TT: 34:15

  5. I was so not looking forward to this one... Myles your time is ridiculous, awesome work! This WOD is truly a badge of honor for all.

    This one's for the players and the game.

    "Straight Up Linda"

    55 reps of each movement for time: (Complete all reps consecutively before moving on.)

    55 reps Deadlift, 1 1/2 body weight
    55 reps Bench press, body weight
    55 reps Squat Clean, 3/4 body weight

    Set up one bar and storm through for time changing the weights as you go. Do not stop the clock for weight changes.

    Jacob 27:57 Rx'd+

    Body Weight 171lbs
    Deadlift, 275lbs
    Bench Press, 175lbs
    Squat Clean, 135lbs

    I don't have access to 3 bars at the fire department so I opted for this approach. I thought it sucked, but then again I've only done this WOD once before about 18 months ago and it was with power cleans (36:00+) and I thought that was horrible. This was worse... In a good way.

    Having a massive rib dinner with extra side helpings of fresh mashed potatoes and vegetables 2.5 hours before this WOD is highly discouraged for obvious reasons.

  6. This WOD was evil, and I scaled to vagicital proportions!

    TT = 29:30

    DL = 255 (1RM is 380) supposed to have done 318. Hell no.

    Bench = a 70 lb dumbbell in each hand (I won't do flat bench). This was a bitch because you have to pick em up, put em in your lap, and then lay back and start from the down position. That first rep got really really hard til the last three sets when I could hardly do them, but I did them all.

    Clean = 135 lb power cleans. Big mountain bike ride tomorrow so thought better of all those squat cleans. I have to climb 2,000 feet up a mountain the next day people. I was supposed to do 155 lb squat cleans 55 times? I pussed, but dude... that's a little much. I still got a K I L L E R workout.

    Been eating paleo a lot and drinking very little. I like this change. You guys challenge and motivate me and coach is a dick and we love him.


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