Friday, August 21, 2009

Lunge Pull up Sit up


  1. Morey: Way to crush it on the Wall Ball. I am on board with you and Mikey, burpees suck.

    WODoers: Found my mojo this morning.

    (29,31,30)(43,51,27)(56,59,28)(1:07,46,24)(1:06,24,24)(1:04,15,17) TT=11:50 pr!

    On the lunges I touch knees every step, but I don't stop and come to attention on two feet between every one. I think that stoping and standing make the work out slower and easier, because of the extra rest time. Do you agree or disagree?

  2. Justin, way to go dude, nice PR!

    My PR for this done the normal way is 11:40, but today I did it different. I've been reading, "listening to my body" (I know that sounds gay) and I think I'm convinced that going for a PR every single WOD might not be the best thing to do, but we should always go hard.

    So today I decided to focus on form, and also do GHD situps instead of feet anchored AbMat situps. I could only do GHD's the first two rounds (39 reps) cos my lower back was really hurting for some reason. They slow me way down though. The rest of the situps I did with hands behind (but not touching) my head, and Justin, I also did knees to ground on lunges. I also did them a little slower on purpose to get a big long ass stretched out lunge each rep. I agree that stopping in the middle on the lunges decreases the Metcon-ness, I don't do it either. I was sure to get full ROM on the pullups too... that extra 5 degrees of ROM on the downswing to locking elbows makes them a lot harder!

    TT = 17:26. Good WOD.

  3. Another WOD I shoiuld have looked at my previous times. I thought I was did ok until I looked back at PR.

    TT: 20:36

    Good work Kook!

  4. A day late on this one, but I got it in.

    TT - 24:57

    How many lunge steps is 100 feet for you? I don't have a way of measuring at my new gym, and assumed that 1 lunge step was just over 3 feet.

    I agree that standing at attention slows the workout down, but don't know as it makes it easier. Although, I found it easier when I just go straight through. But, I think that's just a mental thing because it makes the workout go quicker.

  5. Playing catch up on my posts.

    TT: 11:52(PR)


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