Sunday, August 2, 2009


21-15-9 HSP, Ring Dips, Push UP

Thomas Hobbes said in Leviathon, "Life is nasty, brutish, and short."

Today, along with all that joy, I thought it should be really fucking hard.

JT with 20# vest.


  1. WODoers:

    Did the first 9HSPs with the vest, but had to do the rest without. Also, range of motion was poor on the last 4 HSPs, but today was probably the best day ever for me with HSPs. All other reps with vest and full rom:


    I really like the vest. It's a gold gym brand from walmart for $50. It was in my budget and it fits good. I have been dying to use it since I got it a week ago. I just could bring myself to spend the $125 on the mir.

  2. "J.T." 21-15-9 reps of:
    Handstand push-ups (Push Press, 85lbs)
    Ring dips

    Shane 13:35 (Push Press, 85lbs)

    Jacob 6:29 Rx'd (PR)

    I kipped on my HSPU after the 21's, but I'm still proud of the time and the work effort.

    I posted a high speed video of the WOD but will slow it down and repost it once I get off work... I was rushing to get out of the house this morning and didn't have time for the larger file size upload.

  3. First time with this one. HSPU's followed by ring dips were tough. Started off with full ROM with the HSPU's then had to add the AbMat after the first 21. Still have some work to do, but I love those things.

    TT: 17:46

    Justin your an animal adding a weighted vest, wow dude seriously bad ass. That would of added about 30 minutes to my time.

  4. Nice job Justin. Are you tough now?

  5. After the first round had to resort to shoulder press w/ Push press at the end of the round. Looked like this.

    21 HSPU - 15 115# Shld Pr & PP - 9 95# Shld Pr & PP

    TT: 23:20


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