Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Thruster, HPC, SHP

5 thrusters
7 hang power clean
10 sumo high pull
all 95#s AMRAP 20 minutes


  1. Mikey: Thousands of an inch? Sorry, I didn't mean to drag your sex life into the conversation. Just kidding my friend, how is life treating you in Houston? I been too busy working, only fished 3 times this whole damn year.

    WODoers: This WOD sucked ass. 8 rounds 5 thrusters 7 cleans and 3 sumos, then fall to ground.

  2. Last time this one came up in June I went home during lunch when it was 90+ degrees in my garage and only got through 5 rounds in around 10-11 minutes then I got all sick feeling and had to quit. Not looking forward to it. I did PR on Cindy today though. Hell ya.

  3. Shoulder press progression, PR'd at 180lbs

    Weighted Pull-ups as super sets, PR'd at 132lbs... I think?

    Then HQ's WOD.

    12 Rounds +5 Thrusters (On the Jesus bar for an added degree of difficulty.)

    Prior PR 12 Rounds (No Jesus bar.)

    Fletcher...SHO! SHO! SHO! SHO!.

    All they way USA!

  4. What's SHO!? What's a Jesus bar?

    Jacob, 12 rounds + is NUTS. So is your SP and weighted pullup bar.

  5. Forgot how much this one hurts.

    9 Rounds(pr) just as the timer went off. Jacob holy crap dude, I don't know how you do it.

  6. SHO stands for Super High Output it's a Ford Taurus.

  7. Good job Chris, damn! I'd be really happy with 9 rounds, heck after going for broke with Cindy, I'll take 8. My buddy Sean (dude in video for pool WOD) got 10 rounds and he weighs around 175 I think. He's got the wind though. Was just reading about the SHO. I am so clueless when it comes to cars, but this looks awesome. 365 HP at 5,500 RPM's oughta do it don't you think? Shazam!!


  8. Fletcher, c'mon now! SHO? As in "The SHO". As in the 365hp, Twin Turbo, AWD, street rippin, beastly American made muscle sedan. That might I add will be arriving in my driveway in about 6-8wks according to the dealer today. The order is in folks and the order is good. I figure if I through an exhaust on it and change the intake I can up that number to 400hp+, not to mention any tunes or turbo boost mods... It's going to be sick, very sick!

    SDHP today were with a standard barebell, 95lbs, but the Jesus bar part of it is that this bar has a very large diameter, more so then any barebell I have ever seen. So you can't grip it, like Christ. You can't handle the dude, he just to huge. And also that while my garage had water leaking from the ceiling into the top of the Jesus bar, the bar continued to weep brownish, black water, for months and months and months. It would even drip water during WOD's, and it is foretold that this very water is the blood of Christ, hence the Jesus bar tile again.

    I got a video of the WOD today with me and my 2 other buddies doing battle in the streets. It was a hoot. The wager for the day was that if anyone didn't beat there performance from 10/2008, which was our first entry on the training blog, they would have to do 20 burpee's for every rep they were short.

    With that kinda motivator everyone PR'd, even after a butt ton of heavy lifts prior to the met con.

    That's life.

  9. I was determined to get 10 rounds on this bitch, and I was kicking pretty good ass, got 7 rounds done by 13:50ish and then I pulled or strained a back muscle. So I stopped and stretched, got through the thrusters and a few HPCs in round 8 and the pain was too much. Right now I can't even breathe without pain. It sucks. Dammit, hope this will just be a brief problem.

  10. Had never done this WOD before and was kind of psyched for it. Forgot what everyone else had done and just went at it.

    8 rounds and through 7 SDHP. Pretty happy with that!


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