Monday, August 24, 2009

Cindy or Mary

(From Fletcher) Here's an iPhone pic of my sweat angel after the WOD today. I did the WOD shirtless, otherwise I think the sweat angel would have been even more pronounced. Instead, most of the sweat ended up going all over the garage gym!


  1. Mikey: One full step should equal three feet. So 17 steps one way should give you a good turnaround point. Aren't you some kind of engineer?

    WODoers: Did Cindy with the 20# vest and in the garage on the low swinging pullup bar, have to kip with knees at 90 degrees to start. Got heavy in a hurry:
    10 rds at 20 min, and did one round unweighted after it was over in 42 seconds.
    It is a different WOD with the vest, slower and less pukie, more of a grind than a sprint.

  2. Craig, I loved the video. I'm hoping to get out your way some time so we can bust out a WOD or 2. I really considered not doing Cindy today, but chose to suck it up and gave it a go. I had a good pace going, my ROM started breaking down towards the end but I pushed through.

    20 Rounds + 5 Pull-ups + 3 (PMFR)

  3. Oh hell ya Chris, that is awesome dude, nice PR. Mine is 19 + pullups and pushups (I've done that twice)... now I really need to get a full 20. It's on tomorrow... I'm gonna give it all I got, I do know that you sunufabitch. Myles and Travis can probably do over 25 rounds, and Jacob... who knows what that metcon freak can do! :-)

  4. Kook: I'm usually working in thousandths of inches, not feet. Lawyers can do math? I thought definitive answers were against the rules of lawyering.

    Warmed up with the cleans WOD from Sunday, then started in on this one. Ripped some skin out of the palm of my hand, so I switched to 185# pull-downs mid-way.

    17 rounds in 20:00.57

    I'm giving myself some stoppage time on that one.

    Later fellas.

  5. 20 rounds + 3 pullups. PR! Finally got 20. My ROM was a lot better than those wussy burpees I was doing poolside, I promise. I could have got all 5 pullups but wasn't paying attention to the timer, thought my time was over but still had a few seconds. Doesn't matter, I was spanked.

    After 11 rounds I had a 30 second cushion on maintaining 1 round/minute, but after round 14 I had exactly 6 minutes to go, so I had to dig deep and push to regain my pace in the final 6 minutes. I thought to myself "I need 20, and if I don't get 20, it's because I puked"... and I got a little nauseous, but not terrible. Tomorrow is going to suck ass. The 95 pounds of death WOD right after doing 300 squats? Thanks coach.

  6. 16 full rounds for me right on the buzzer. This is a PR for me as the pull ups still kick my ass, but am sure a lot better than before. Was doing singles by the last round. PR by 5 squats. I am a day behind here because the internet sucks here. Some times the WOD isn't even posted by the time I get up and then half the time the internet here is not working, so I am resorting to a day late.


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