Thursday, August 13, 2009

Minutes of Pull Up

Add a pullup a minute until you can't.


  1. WODoers:

    Had to use the slippery pullup bar today,so some skin came off an some big blood blisters formed today.

    On round 16 I thought had no chance until I as I jumped to the bar my watch just turn to 59 for rep 16, so I say tie goes to the runner. I don't know if got my chin above under the minute but I started the pullup before the buzzer.

    16 and 10 pr?

    Either way it is pretty much a 2 rep improvement on a bar that is much more difficult to use than the last time I did it, so I feel good about it.

  2. Yeah this is hard for me. Got through 10 rounds + 6 in the 11th. Followed this w/ 10 jumping pull-ups / min x 4. No PR here today.

  3. Convinced 3 of the guys I work with at the fire station to give this WOD a try but we’re going to change it up a bit. We have 2 pull-up bars in the fitness room so each pull-up bar will have 2 guys and we will alternate minute sets doing both pull-ups and burpees on the minute. So minute 1 first guy does 1 pull-up and the other guy does 1 burpee, minute 2 each guy changes stations and now completes the opposite movement for the same number of reps in the minute time limit. Both continue to go up the ladder until timing out at either of the 2 movements.

    We’ll see how it goes.

  4. got 18 at 19 minutes whats that like 170 pull ups. Travis and I started out together then at minute 12 a lady came in to talk so Travis helped her for 2 minutes then tried to buy back in but it fucked up his system. The butterflys are the only way to get it done but after 150 or so it don't matter it all sucks.

  5. Second time with this one and quite an improvement from the first go around. Made it through 15 rounds + 5. It's funny how this one sneaks up on you all the sudden. My forearms were toast. Linda leftovers are kicking in, just a little sore.

  6. Dead hang Pull-ups 15 rounds even
    Burpees 15 rounds even

    So this WOD was 30 minutes long total.

    Min. 1: 1 Pull-up
    Min. 2: 1 Burpee
    Min. 3: 2 Pull-ups
    Min. 4: 2 Burpees
    And so on, and so on...
    Min. 29: 15 Pull-ups
    Min. 30: 15 burpees

    15 Rounds of each.

    It was pretty cool, we had all 5 guys in the fire station doing the WOD together. It was awesome, I'll post pictures on my blog if anyone is interested.

  7. Hit this one early today, can't post later.


    Warm Up
    Front Squat 1-1-1-1-1


    Front squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1


  8. Dudes - PR today.

    Chris, you kicked ASS on this one by the way considering how long you've been doing this, and that you say you aren't so good at pullups??

    I got 14 rounds and 7 reps. 14th round was super tough, I knew I had no chance at 15, my body just couldn't do it, I was kipping, kicking, everything I could and just ran out of power. Previous effort in February was only 11 1/2 rounds though, so that's a good improvement, especially since I didn't do pullups hardly at all for like 10 weeks in there when my shoulder was jacked up. It still is, a little bit... it's 90%


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