Wednesday, August 26, 2009


2 Muscle Ups

4 HSPs

8 2 pood kettle bell swings

20 min AMRAP
Here is my Elkhorn inspired 1.5 pood kettle.


  1. WODoers:

    Must have been Cindy's fault, but my range of motion on the HSPs was just terrible today. Everything else went good. Subbed 12 1.5 pood swings with the homemade kettle bell.
    9 rounds and 2 muscle ups.

    Muscle up tip. I have been working on a slow motion non-kipping muscle up. I am about 98% there and I almost got it about 3 times this morning warming up. The beauty of the slow motion is that you can really feel the position you need to achieve and then it makes it feel flat easy when you can kip. I think it really strengthens the stabilizer muscle that are required to make the transition from pull up to dip also. Try it and let me know what you think.

  2. That is one hell of a kettlebell Justin. Ok the latest on what is going on:
    -Had a a little window on Mon, did Grace(30, 135lb c&j) 6:20, not a Pr
    -Been looking at Mike Burgners website, starting to do some of his progressive strength programs. Travis, Evan one of our friends, and I did some Squat cleans 135x5, 150x5, 165x5, 175x5, 185x5
    -Did about 30 heavy deads 315, 335, 365, 375, 405 various reps
    -Running running lots of running
    -This morning one client needed a partner so I workout with him, 40 slam ball(sb) 40 toes to bar(t-b) run 600m, 30 sb, 30t-b run 600, 20sb, 20t-b run 600, 10 sb, 10 t-b.
    -More Running
    Did you get all that, Been trying to get the website wod every once in a while. We had a record amount in the door yesterday 37 total people did classes yesterday wooooo hooooo! Check out the updated website, some new changes let me know what you guys think. Holla

  3. Travis and I did this together so we had to use 53lb kettle, but use the Games form, all the way over head. Got 20 rounds @19:45 and Travis Just finished 20 rounds at the 20 min buzzer.

  4. well plans changed do to poor time managment on my part, but it was still a interesting day.

    Warm Up:
    Bench Press 5-5-5

    Jacob 155-175-195


    Bench Press 5-4-3-2-1-1-1

    Jacob 205-225-235-245-250-255-260(PR)

    "The Little Engine"

    10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Deadlifts, 30 seconds rest between sets:
    *Start with weight @50% 1RM Deadlift, then progressively increase weight throughout WOD to your last set at 90%1RM deadlift. Post time and weights.

    Jacob 7:10, 180-200-220-240-260-280-300-320-340-360

    Might try Nate once I get home, not sure though.

    Awesome work Myles, I hope I can hit up a 20 rounder on this one, PR is 18 Rx'd.

  5. Checked the main crossfit site last night before heading to the gym and accidentally did Wednesday's WOD on Tuesday. So, I'll be doing Tuesday's today.

    Subbed alternating 4:1 PU's/dips for MU's
    70 db swings for kettle bells

    5 rounds + 2 subbed MU's in 20 min

    Had to fight to keep the 70# db for the workout. And almost got into it with a guy at the squat rack.

  6. AMRAP 20 minutes

    Subbed 6 Pull-ups and 6 Ring dips for the 2 MU's
    4 HSPU's
    10 1.5 pood Kettlebell Swings

    10 Rounds + 3 Pull-ups

    This was a tough cycle. I'm not too happy with this one, but I got the work done. I need to work on MU technique because I really need to know if I can do them or not. Craig if I come out to Denver in a couple weeks this is a goal for me.

    Peace out fellas.

  7. Myles,

    What's Burgners URL?


  8. Finally got a chance to do Nate.


    Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of:
    2 Muscle-ups
    4 Handstand Push-ups
    8 2-Pood Kettlebell swings

    Jacob 20 Rounds +2 Muscle-ups Rx'd (PR)

    Got a video of the whole WOD at the fire station and will post it tomorrow morning.

    Felt strong throughout the whole WOD with the exception of the 1 muscle-ups I botched in round 15. Other then that 50 second rounds worked out great with 50 second rest periods after every 5 completed rounds.


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