Saturday, August 1, 2009

Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1


  1. WODoers:

    Apparently I am getting worse at these instead of better.

    285,315,335,345fail,335fail,315 half squat

    This was the first time I have ever truly failed though and been pushed down to the catch rack. In the past I would always bail before I got all the way down, so hopefully I caused some new muscle development at the bottom of my range.

    I think I am going to try and incorporate the cross-fit strength bias routine. Anybody else down with that. Mikey, you want to get serious with me about our 500# deadlift bet?

  2. No new PR today. Weight seemed extra heavy. It must of been those Jim Beam and water's from last night. Oh well, I still busted my ass and nearly crapped my pants on the last 2 squats. Good day's work.

    Warmup 135 x 10

    230-240-250-255-260(tied PR)-265(f)-265(f)

    Cooldown 205 x5, 135 x 5

  3. Back Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

    Jacob 135x3-155x3-180x3-210x3-230x3-250x3-270-300*(PR)

    *Slight assist at the bottom, but I'm told all they did was tap the bar.

    Rest as needed then...

    3 Rounds for time of:
    50m Slosh Pipe Walking Lunges, 30lbs (or Barbell Lunges, 45lbs)
    15 Burpee's
    20 Knees to Elbows
    30 Doulbe Unders (90 Singles for Sub)

    Jacob 12:34

    There is a place called hell, and they have slosh pipes there. First round with slosh pipe lunges, rounds 2 and 3 with barbell lunges.

    Got a video clip of it that I will post. I'm speechless about my squating today since I haven't squated heavy in a while, but I'm even more impressed since my motivation has been in the dumps over the past month also. Today I just squated, squated and squated. No hesitation, no angxiety, just a consistent progression and it work out great. I'm psyched about it ans looking forward to more.


    335lbs, nice!.... What's your CFT, 900lbs+?

    With today's weigh in my numbers are as follows.... All PR's of coarse, I wish I could tie these all in to a total.

    28yrs, 6'0", 169lbs

    Back Squat 300lbs
    Deadlift 390lbs
    Shoulder Press 180lbs

    CFT: 880lbs

    Here's Evan's CFT From the 2007 CFG

    30yrs, 6'2", 197lbs

    Back Squat 400lbs
    Deadlift 435lbs
    Shoulder Press 190lbs

    CFT: 1025lbs

    Thoughs aren't even his PR's.

  4. 33 years, 6 foot, 198

    Last CFT
    dead 435
    press 165
    squat 335 total 935 no prs

  5. Solid... 900+ CFT is where you know your doing something right.

    I think it'll take me another year to get over that mountain of a stat.

  6. Did a workout I named 'Hill Builder'. Carry four 45's, two 25's and a bar up the hill (5 trips it took me) then 30 - 275lb deads, then 20 135lb front squats, then 10 135lb clean & jerks. Break down the bar and carry back down the hill. 41mins. - Killer view of the lake from the park at the top of the sled hill.

  7. 225-275-285-295-305-315-325(PR)


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