Thursday, July 30, 2009


Friday 090731
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
Run 400 meters
Max rep Pull-ups
Post number of pull-ups completed for each round to comments.
Compare to 090626


  1. 6 rounds, 15-10-6-5-6-10 = 52, no PR here

  2. WODoers:

    Tried the 50 cal today

    Dips 13/16/17/11/10

    Row 37,2:20/34,1:54/33,1:51/39,2:32/10,2:34

    It sucks to be fat for this one.

  3. Justin how'd it go for you? Looks like you were able to maintain your output across the board, that's a feat to be proud of.

    I really felt like puking after my last round on "The 50 Cal", but now my pec's are toast and if someone were to grab a handful of my chest I think I would scream, immediately pass out and crap my pants. But that's how you know you had a good WOD.

  4. 7 Rounds 14-14-12-12-11-13-3 = 79 (PR)

    Barely made it to the pullup bar to get those last 3 reps in. Last time 6 rounds 76, so I ran hard today. At least for me...

  5. I'm sick and worthless as always, isn't it amazing. But it's a mild cold.

    So here's my contribution for today:

  6. "Master Blaster"

    Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
    Run 250 meters
    Max rep Handstand Push-ups
    Max rep Pull-ups (Dead Hang)

    Jacob 7 Rounds 80 HSPU 99 DHPU

    1: HSPU 21, PU 15
    2: HSPU 15, PU 15
    3: HSPU 12, PU 15
    4: HSPU 9, PU 12
    5: HSPU 8, PU 15
    6: HSPU 7, PU 12
    7: HSPU 8, PU 15

    Much worse then Nicole, had to do my pull-ups off the ladder braces on the end of the truck at the fire station because we don't have a pull-up bar on the apparatus floor.

  7. Fletcher,

    During the rest day I gave the C&J ladder a go again after I got off work and taped it this time. I had my girlfriend Ashley count and time me, but I only got 10 rounds even then I gave up and didn't even attempt more. I think I was a little burnt after working in the ED on 4 hours of sleep after I just finished a over night 12 hour shift. I'll give it another go for 11 once I'm fresh in a month or so.

    I posted the video... finally the video uploader is up and working again.

  8. Jacob:

    That 3 minutes rest is just like Barbara, makes pukie come around big time in rounds 4 or 5. That is a great WOD though, hits damn near every muscle in the body. Been watching all the rowing videos from the journal and still trying to become efficient.


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