Tuesday, July 7, 2009


21-18-15-12-9-6-3 rep rounds of:

185 pound Front squat
GHD Sit-up

(Craig edit, Justin did original post) If you ever have a girl friend say that doing CrossFit will make their body bulky and "unsexy" you may refer them to this photograph, of 3 of the fronrunners at the games. I'd say these young ladies bodies look juuuuuuuust fiiiiiiiine, wouldn't you? Click on the picture to make sure you get a really good look.


  1. WODoers:

    Tough but good. Chaulk would have helped. Slippage with left hand caused some extra sets.

    (1:59/33)(1:04/21)(24/10)=19:15 as Rx'd

  2. More Fletcher whining. I scaled the weight down to 145# cos' my legs are still shot from that mtn bike climb Sunday evening, and I've only done FS's once before. In retrospect, I should have done maybe 165#s. I can also say after 84 reps that the only way to do GHD situps is on a true GHD bench. Holy crap! That about tore my lower back out. I had to stop a lot during those, those hurt me. Fitball GHD situps are NOT the same, I promise. They're good, but they don't extend your muscles nearly as bad.

    TT = 20:28. I'm gonna pay for this one tomorrow.

  3. 21-18-15-12-9-6-3-1 rep rounds of:
    185 pound Front squat
    GHD Sit-up

    38:28 Rx'd (+1)

    I've never done front squats at this weight for anywhere near this many reps. I am proud to have finished this WOD Rx'd. Did an extra single at the end to make it an even 85 reps.

    Holy mother of GOD Justin that is an amazing freaking time. I almost shite' myself a couple of times at my snails pace with this one and it damn near took me 40 minutes, not to mention I think this WOD aged my body 5 years for the worse. You are beastly and I wouldn't want to run into you in a dark alley.

    Insane work man, just plain awesome!

  4. Thanks for the copliment. I sure didn't feel fast for me, just endless pain in my wrist. I am almost scared to see how bad my quads hurt tomorrow. Will be walking on my toes down the stairs for sure.

  5. This one humbled me. Started off with 185, but after 10 reps decided to scale to 165 or I would of never finished. Justin I feel your pain, literally on the wrists. Front squats kill by wrists no matter how much I let the weight rest on my shoulders and let the bar roll to my finger tips. I'll be hurting tomorrow.

    TT: 22:01

  6. I think the wrist pain is a form thing. Try it again, just a few reps, with your elbows coming straight out from your jaw line.. exaggerated, pressing the bar into your throat, almost choking you, it forces the bar up on the shoulder shelf, and removes the strain from the wrist almost completely. I also bought wrist supports recently and they are GREAT for things like this. I can send a link tomorrow if anyone is interested. They are heavy duty, like $18 and I love em. I felt NOTHING on my wrists today. Granted, I did 145# but it wouldn't have mattered I'm tellin ya. Form, and wraps.

  7. Thank god the large stairway to the gym is on the way into the gym and not the way out of the gym. Although, I did almost fall on my first step down the stairs after today's WOD.

    185 on front squats as RX'ed
    21, 18, 15, 12, 18, 15, 12, 6 on sit-ups

    TT = 26:56

    Tried to come up with a contraption for GSDH's, but couldn't come up with nothing. CF sore throughout back, arms, with legs for sure to follow tomorrow. Love it!!

    Later fellas,


  8. Yeah, this was a good one. Had to scale back to 155# after the first 2 sets. Fucking sore after not working out for a month or more!! Liking things here, as much as can be expected. They do have a GHD in the gym but no real pull up bar which is a bummer. No good place to put rings either. No rowers... Ok this place sucks...130 degrees here today boys, whoa, its hot!!

    TT: 29:30


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