Sunday, July 5, 2009

Rest Day

I wonder what the rich people are doing today?


  1. What do you guys think about creatine? I used it in college, but I don't want to get stuck were I have to keep using something. It seems to me you get some gains fast, but that you cramp easier, and then the gains go away if you quit taking it.

    The only reason I ask is because it is one of Josh Everetts supplements.

  2. I think if you stick to 500MG or less it's not too bad, but my doctor said not to take it... it can cause kidney damage. He said he's seen a few patients have serious problems from creatine, but that was creatine "abuse." Again, my perception is that taking a little bit isn't going to hurt you. I asked TW about it when he was out here and he said "if you want to take a supplement take Nanogreens"..... I take a three phase protien mix in my post WOD drink and I bet if I read the label it has a little creatine?

    Oh, creatine also shrinks yer peepee and causes ED. Kidding there... at least I think I am :-)

    Here's a question: What do you guys recommend for pre WOD and post WOD food/supplements in general? I think I'll search the CF boards on that one too but thought I would throw it out there. Lately I do nothing pre-WOD except pound water.

    Yesterday I skipped the shoulder stuff and went on a gnarly mountain bike ride instead. Climbed 2,100 feet in about an hour then rode back down that bitch. All single track dirt trail action. Way fun, and great cardio, which I obviously need if you look at my recent times. That was my 4th day in a row, so today I rest as RX'd, might add the shoulder work to tomorrow's WOD depending on what it is, but go light and do higher reps. I haven't done those shoulder oly moves in months so it's time to get back into it. Figured I'd do them behind my head to keep the shoulders back.

  3. I'm not a big fan of creatine. I used it in college as well and it made me flip out on stuff quicker than normal. I also didn't see much gains from it compared to eating well and just going at it.

    In general, protein mixes are about the only thing I consider. And the only reason I would use that is because it's cheaper than trying to get that much protein through normal food.

  4. Dudes read first the paleo diet, study it, apply it, and live it. Then eat Paleo diet for athletes and this will make the world of difference. Eat more fruits and veggies. The paleo diet for athletes will give you supplement recommendations.

  5. Myles - do you use Protein powder in a recovery drink after spanking your muscles, or do you go eat some broccoli and lentil beans? (Paleo)

  6. I tried the protein powder and will use it on gnarly days, but a handful of raisins and some meat following a good spanking is all you need. If the spanking was long add supplements, bcaa's, glutamine, hmb, and pleny of liquid. Take this stuff within 30 minutes of the spanking.

  7. Thanks Myles. I didn't have any alcohol last night (an accomplishment for me), instead I had a milk/ice/protein shake last night. Thought it would help my super sore muscles a little more than a beer would. I am ordering "The Paleo Diet" and "The Paleo Diet for Athletes" off of this week... do you think I need both books, or... since I am not going to stop doing WOD's, just the athlete one will do?


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