Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of:
2 Muscle-ups
4 Handstand Push-ups
8 2-Pood Kettlebell swings


  1. Mikey: Way to bust that shit out after some time off, traveling, and moving. Good to see you post again.

    Craig: I don't know about the supports you bought. I made a decision, based on Travis and Myles advise, a long time ago not use any straps or belts. Not to be too critical, but how are your wrists going to get stronger?

    WODoers: Shoulder hurt, so wasn't able to get complete ROM on HSPs, otherwise as Rx'd.

    7 rounds 3 hsp in 20, finish round 8 in 20:43

    Felt good, but need to keep working the kinks out of my shoulder.

  2. I wasn't into it today, but I got the work done. I had to sub a ton cos can't do MU's and tried a couple of HSPUs and it hurt the bad shoulder (even though it is indeed getting better).

    I did 7 rounds even of:
    6 pullups
    6 ring dips
    8 80 lb behind the back push press
    8 2 pood KBS

    Those damn 2 pood KBS were tweaking my upper back. behind the back push press is twice as hard as "in the front" push press. I did one round in the front and it was nearly effortless, so I learned something there.

    Justin, I hear ya, but my wrist is tweaked. I am not using straps like the kind you use to wrap around the bar for a better grip on a heavy DL for example, this is strictly for support. Here's what they are:

    Mine are just pure black though, couldn't go with the 80's camaro/heavy metal stripage.

    Legs are sore from yesterday, and I wussed and only went 145 lbs. Good thing though, they were already shot from mtn biking....

  3. Warm Up:


    Power Clean, 185lbs
    Ring Dips

    Jacob 6:59 (190lbs)

    My power cleans were so pathetic on this one I wanted to kick my own @** after I finished the WOD!

    Then 1/2 Nate (10 minutes)

    2 Muscle-ups
    4 HSPU
    8 KBS, 2 Pood

    Jacob 10 Rounds

    This was the first time I ever went guns blazing from the start, and it really sucked. I know I couldn't maintain this pace for 20 minutes, but if I rested consistently after each round for 10 seconds, I think I might have a chance at 20 rounds on this one.

    I so need to work on my power cleans, deadlifts and front squats, amoung other things.

  4. And also my wrists and legs are completely destroyed after yesterday just like you Craig. I'm only doing clear liquids today in hopes of avoiding having to squat down to take a crap. I don't want to draw attention to myself by being the screaming man in the bathroom again.

  5. Solid...

    Here's a couple of quick suggestions...

    Celldweller: "Celldweller", the first 2 tracks are the ultimate "pump you up" pre WOD songs on the disc. Really cool stuff!

    Feersum Ennjin: EP "Feersum Ennjin"
    Check out the track "Dragon", it'll mess you Up.

    The Blinding Light: "Glass Bullet" and "The Ascension Attempt". Really Heavy Stuff for you Slayer fans out there... Total hard core aggression.

    Nothing Face: "An Audio Guide to Everyday Atrocity" and "Violence". Two of the best metal disc's ever, period. If you like Mudvayne then you'll love these guys.

    The Cooper Temple Clause: Single Track "Homo Sapiens". Another mega bad@** track that will help anyones Fran time.

    Pendulum: Single Track "Granite". Actually there whole album "In Silico" is awesome.

    And I got loads more recomendations Craig, check them out and let me know what you think.

  6. Actually my favorite WOD song as of lately has been Nine Inch Nails "1,000,000" off of their newest album "The Slip".

    It's a perfect 3 minutes into the song when you here the words "I don't feel anything at all" then there's a pause, and it strats rocking out all over again. Then the end keeps chanting "I don't!... Feel!... Anything!... At All!".

    It's the track the helped get me my 2:53 Fran.

    Give that one a listen Craig and tell me you don't want to tear $%*! up.

  7. 6 Pull-ups, 6 Ring dips
    4 HSPU's
    8 70# dumbbell swings

    8 Rounds + 6PU's/3RD's

    That was fun.

  8. Thanks for the welcome back Justin. I'm sore as shit, but glad to be back as well.

    6 PU's, 6 dips
    4 HSPU's - terrible form, probably 50% ROM
    8 70# db swings

    7 rounds + 6PU's, 6 dips

    Got stopped in the middle of my 3rd round. A trainer told me that kipping pull-ups are bad for you. Then, we got in a long discussion about many different things. So, it was 6 minutes of WOD, long rest, final 14 minutes.

    Later fellas.

  9. Good job fellas. Mike, do tell us the outcome (and content) of the conversation with the trainer about kipping pullups!

  10. 6 Pull-ups, 6 Ring dips
    4 HSPU's
    8 70# dumbbell swings

    After the first round, HSPU were more Handstand Negatives. This was fun this AM. Good to be back in the swing of things.

    5 rounds + 6 PU/dips + 3 Handstand Negatives

    Shit!! I am sure people were looking at me like why is that idiot doing those (HS Neg). Hopefully get in the 400m and squats later today.


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