Friday, July 3, 2009



  1. Good job as usual today Justin! I still don't have very good wind, so I spent more than half the time sucking it in. TT = 9:45. That was a fun one. Snatches weren't bad, it's just that my cardiorespiratory lacks. I'm old or something. Did a bunch of other stuff too.

    Pool party today, then a grueling mountain biking ride (they all are where I live, you have to CLIMB the front range to the tune of 1,500 to 2,000 feet before the real fun begins) afterwards, then dinner date with wifey!! Happy days my friends.

  2. Broke this one up into sets of 10 with a couple sets of 5 in the mix. Overall not too bad. Little sore from yesterdays "rest day". Did some shoulder,arm and ab work for fun.

    TT: 8:07

  3. Couldn't do mtn bike ride, got rained out... glad I did the WOD in the AM! My two year old is scared to death of fireworks...

  4. ...and Tornado reported a time of 6:23 via text message today. Dude weighs 150. That's scary bad assiness.

  5. Finished this one last night before the shoulder WOD. I thought the workout was hang snatch, but noticed this afternoon that it was POWER snatch. So, not as RX'ed

    TT = 6:56

  6. Guess I fucked up too, thought hang power snatch. from the floor may have been easier, have to try it again


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