Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hang Power Clean 1-1-1-1-1-1


  1. WODoers: Started off super poor. This movement confuses me sometimes, but then I remembered some advice from Bruce Lee about throwing a punch. I needed "emotional content" in my movement. I refocused, added some emotional content, and tied my old PR and just missed numerous PR attempts.

    195 failed about five times

    I will get a body weight on this next time.

  2. Weight seemed extra heavy today. I got the work done but wanted a new pr, didn't happen.

    135,155,175,180,185(tied pr),185, 190(f)

    Threw in some deadlifts afterwards


  3. Back and traps still sore from yesterdays torture, but I know I got 225 in me next time.

    Hang Power Clean 1-1-1-1-1-1

    Jacob 155-185-195-205-215-220-225(Failed)

  4. Yeah, was not caring much for this one. Hadn't done this in a while. Little weak in the shoulders from all the pull-ups the other day. Excuses, excuses... Definately no PR(180#) here today.


    Got the last one, but tweaked my mid-back, so let well enough alone.

  5. I had softball last night, so I was a day late on this one.

    135, 155, 175, 185, 195, 205(f), 205(f), 205(f)

    I think that I'd still be at the gym trying to get 205 if I didn't have Friday's WOD to do.

  6. Hey boys - busy day and a big day today. My workload was almost Jacobian or Justinian.

    Today marks the one year anniversary of Chris and I working out consistently. Last year on July 18th Chris, our friends Edward and Terry, and myself started the P90X program. We finished it (90 day thing) and did it for a couple of more months, and then started CF.

    Anyway, on to today:
    1K row for WU, 3:45
    HPCs = 95x5-135-165-185-205-225(f)-215
    PR is 220, 205 was pretty easy, thought 225 would go and get a new PR but not very close. 215 barely went but I got er. Traps still worked a little from the Randy redo the other day.

    I also did 100 GHD situps. That'll leave a mark. by around rep 80 they start to pull on my lower back and ass muscles like crazy!!!!

    Then Chelle and I and two other friends went on a 2 hour 15 min mountain bike ride, 1,650 feet of climbing, computer said I burned 1,500 calories on that one too. Back home, gonna work on my bike, swim, hang with friends, then drink some beer and play yard games. :-)

    Tomorrow I'll do 90 pullups and 90 dips for a sub to the 30 MU's WOD.

    Myles, you are a strong sumbitch. Wow. Jacob, nice one for you too, damn.


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