Friday, July 10, 2009

Rest Day

While we rest, let's think about the whooping the athletes at the Games are going to have to endure. Very interesting events, indeed.

Cool video showing the Deadlift progression on the main site, explaining how much harder the DL is with the 30 second intervals, and following that big cross country run up mountains through the weeds and brush!! Damn!!


  1. I just watched the video on the main site from day 1 at the games. That looks like so much fun, I wish I was about 15 years younger. I would love to compete in those games.

    Anyway this craziness they call Crossfit is addicting, I love it. I want my boys to start at an early age. Who knows maybe someday they'll get to compete in the games.

    Have a great weekend fellas!

    Chris(formerly known as CJ)

  2. Chris, Hell yah! that video got me all fired up. I went out in the garage and did some pullups just for fun, and it's bedtime cos I got fired up, and tomorrow is pullup hell. I think I'll give myself 30 minutes to do pullups, and whatever I can get done, I get done. I've never even come close to completing "pullup hell" RX'd. I'll try a couple of rounds RX'd with the weighted ones, then I'll have to scale to 25 lbs. I simply am not strong enough to do 30 weighted 45 lb pullups. Very few are I'd guess. It's one of those WOD's that takes a long time to be able to do RX'd.

    I really want to make a trip to the games in the next few years. Just to watch. Let's do it. Got to get these kids out of diapers first.

  3. You're never too old to Affiliate Cup the Games, but the money needed to do so kind of limits people and teams. Hope next year you can still send whatever team you want, but with the way things have been going they'll probably have qualifiers for that event too.

    Now it's time for an insomniacs delight, 12:15AM WOD at the fire station.

    Gonna hit up bi's and tri's, abs and cardio this evening and then tomorrow I'll tackle some heavy calf raises and shrug sets, then both yesterdays and todays CrossFit Football WOD's should be fun. Evan and the gang are coming out.

    ...then it's off to Wisconsin for a bachelor party... I may never be herd from again.



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