Saturday, July 11, 2009

Pullup Hell: 3 Types of pullups

Ten rounds for time of:
3 Weighted Pull-ups, 45 pounds (yah right)
5 Strict Pull-ups
7 Kipping Pull-ups


  1. This WOD is awesome, and absolute war zone for me. I subbed 25 pounds and banged it out in 27:53. My hands are a wreck AND I WORE GLOVES!!! Puss oozing from each hand. Last dead hang and last kipping pullups I had to do a few do-overs cos' I was having really hard time getting the chin over the bar. I reached the absolute end of being able to do any more pullups!!! Less than an hour before the giant hill run. Go get em' Games Athletes!!

  2. WODoers: 29:50 mostly as Rx'd, but after round seven it was more a eyes and nose above the bar on the weighted ones than chin.

  3. Great work guys!

    With a little arm twisting and smack talk I decided to give this one a go. Thanks Craig :) This wasn't RX'd, I scaled to 25lbs. I know you are also suppose to count sets, I did not.

    In honor of the games and my birthday.

    10 Rounds TT: 25:06

    Now off to do some bench press!

  4. Psyched, did one of the CrossFit Football WOD's and got all 30 reps of my power clean and jerk at 200lbs. Felt strong today and moved the weight well.

    15 Minutes
    2 Power Clean and Jerks every minute (90% 1RM)
    *5 Burpees evry time you fail to get 2 reps in the minute.

    Jacob 200lbs (No Failed Reps!!) @95% 1RM

    Then 1 Minute Max Burpees Challenge:
    3 Rounds of max Burpees in 1 Minute
    (2 minutes rest between rounds)


    Evan counted my reps so I know I was honest in my movement. Felt good.

  5. Not nearly as Rx'ed for me today. The bar I use for pull-ups has a bad grip on it that gets slick when you start to sweat. And, I still need to re-gain my PU strength.

    75 kipping PU's
    100 jumping PU's

    TT = 20:56

    Got stopped in the middle of my jumping PU's by another trainer today who wanted to talk about PU's. He was actually pretty cool and was into training similar to CF. The website for his stuff is

    It has some pretty cool stuff on it, but isn't nearly as organized or informational as CF.

  6. Did the first 2 rounds as rx'd, then had to go down to 25# for 5 rounds, then went downhill from there. All pull ups turned into kipping pretty much after the 2nd round. Went kind of like this:
    45# for 2 rounds
    25# for 5 rounds
    0# for 1 round,
    was pretty much fucked after that so went to the Gravitron assist machine to finish out the last 30 pull ups.
    10# assist for 1 PU, like no help at all
    40# assist for 4 PUs
    55# assist for the last 25

    Broke a blister on my hand today as well. just kept putting more chaulk on it, and drove on.

    TT: 49:16

    My legs finally feel half way normal today.


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