Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy 4th of July!! Badger

"It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived."-General George S Patton

We knew today would be a hero WOD, and a hard one. Well here it is. My legs are going to fall off. NINETY squat cleans? I want to think about this guy the whole time (see main site for a link that can lead you to more info on him).
Read Lone Survivor, he was a NAVY SEAL, the baddest ass men on earth, bar none.
"Badger" In honor of Navy Chief Petty Officer Mark Carter, 27, of Virginia Beach, VA

Complete three rounds for time of:

95 pound Squat clean 30 reps
30 Pull-ups
Run 800 meters
I could have done better with Randy, I rested too much. Gonna fight hard tomorrow. Feeling patriotic. Our country kicks ass.
Here's a cell phone video of my wife Chelle midway through this one.. her subs are mentioned in the comments


  1. Well I gave it my all, but dammit, my cardiorespiratory needs some work. This WOD is one way to build it up. It was HOT in the garage gym today. Did it RX'd, but again, running RX'd really slows me down cos I have to roll my feet for no impact, so it's like a power-walk/jog.

    TT = 42 minutes. One of the hardest yet. 90 squat cleans is.... a special treat.

  2. ...and I will say learning proper technique for the squat cleans at the CF Oly lifting class saved me a lot of back and wrist pain. I have none. Got some wrist support wrap things too, those really help when lots of cleans are on the menu. OK I'll shut up now. Simpson, as usual, you now have an easy target to beat in advance.

  3. Fletcher: Nice Post.

    WODoers: 37:24. This was tough for me, still a little fat and it kills me on the squat clean moving that extra weight. 198#s.

    Have a great Fourth of July. You are in my thoughts and prayers Morey and I am thankful to have men like you out there in the shit for the rest of us.

  4. This one winded me good. Squat cleans were hard and 90 of them made me want to puke. Pull-ups still not great at them, but I fought my way through.

    TT= 36:42

    Sorry Craig, power walking definitely slowed you down because you kill me on the pullups, but it's good to see you doing the run. I know how hard that hurts your knees.

    Happy 4th of July everyone!

  5. At the end I was doing pullups 3 or 4 at a time...I'd guess the power walking cost me about 4 or 5 minutes? Who knows. I don't actually run, I just "scoot"... :-). At least I'm out there doing the work boys.

    My wife just did this heavily subbed and scaled, but hey... she's a 37 year old 115 lb woman who had a baby 9 months ago!

    TT = 36:41 for Chelle

    15 lb (each hand) dumbbell squat cleans
    Jumping pullups
    1K row

  6. Hey Fellas:

    From the dust bowl of Kuwait here!! Haven't got a good WOD in for about a month or 2. I suck. Started with this one today. OMG! Got throught the first round as rx'd and thought I was going to die. Knew this would take me a LONG time and had to get to work. Went and ran on the treadmill for 20 minutes, slow. And was done. Not a good WOD to get back into the groove on. Just getting settled here, so should be back on a good schedule now. Off to do the shoulders.

  7. The Patriot

    For Time:
    1 Mile Run
    50 Jump Squats, 6" jump
    50 Dead Hang Pull-ups
    1 Mile Run
    50 Front Plate Raises, 35lbs
    50 Alternating Jump Lunge Steps
    1 Mile Run
    50 Oblique Ball Twists
    50 Shoulder Press, 95lbs (seated, behind the neck)
    1 Mile Run
    50 Deadlifts, 135lbs
    50 Overhead Squats, 45lbs
    1 Mile Run
    50 Burpees
    50 Double unders

    Jacob 1:03:58 Rx'd

    Mile 1 6:21
    Mile 2 6:32
    Mile 3 6:48
    Mile 4 7:12 (Puked a little in my mouth.)
    Mile 5 7:38 (Almost met "Dookie's" big brother "Shart" a couple times.)

    Didn't want to mess around with 90 squat cleans with metal plates and a fat bar at the FD so I opted for this WOD instead.

    I think I'm Going to try Badger with 135lbs in the morning on Monday, see if I can beat my last time over a year ago doing it Rx'd (38 minutes?). I think I'll break it down to intervals and just try to keep pace, maybe something like this...

    30 Squat Cleans (5 Minutes, 6 per minute)
    30 Pull-ups (2 Minutes, 10 per 40 seconds)
    800m Rum (3.5 Minutes, 8.5mph Pace)
    *45 seconds of pitty time added in each round
    Round time: 11:15

    Hoping for 33:45 or better, we'll see.

  8. rxd 30:54. Measured the distance of 800m by driving my truck around till
    reached .5 mile. Might not be 100% accurate, but close.

  9. WOD Crew,

    My first day back in a real gym in probably about 2 months. "Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life son" - Animal House.

    As Rx'ed, TT = 49:03

    Pullups killed me. The last round was mainly singles. Way too many breaks. Just glad to finish though. Later fellas.


  10. Jacob, once again that is insane!!!! Let us know how Heavy Badger goes. Mike, welcome back. Keep going. My wind is weak, but the way I see it is, as long as I keep at it and stay consistent, it will come. Same with those pullups for you.


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