Tuesday, July 14, 2009


5 rounds for time of:
400 meter run
95 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps

Post time to comments.
Compare to 090403.

Hope link to last time is posted correctly below. Maybe you could educate me Fletcher.


  1. Could have run a little harder, but OHS were tough.

    TT: 29:48

  2. Sweet post Morey. I've got to try hit the non-technical route sometime this summer.


    I broke the squats in round four otherwise straight through. In round 5 I realized I had been holding my breath while doing the squats, I started breathing again and things went well.

    Training for that half-marathon has dramatically improved all aspects of my overall fitness. I will have to sneak in some more sprint work and trail runs on the weekends. That was a PR by over four minutes and I was sore as shit from the 300 goodmornings.

  3. Justin you are a machine man! I am really impressed!

  4. (Forgive the long post, I'm fired up)

    Morey - the link works! I love your pictures from afar, keep them coming. Guys, just FYI, in the upper left corner you can search this blog for any words including comments. So finding the previous "Nancy" for example is a snap.

    Justin, you are really becoming a helluvan athlete man. Direct result of killer work ethic and mental strength. Nice work. Wow.

    I'm going to do Nancy tomorrow.. again, I'm playing this thing a day behind. Today I was supposed to rest, but something has been bothering me lately.

    Today I revisited "Randy" cos last time I just didn't try hard enough, evidenced by you guys' times. It is sure motivating having this blog.

    So today I made some rules, or.. I had a plan: First 25 and last 10 will be unbroken. All others in groups of 5 with only "5 breaths" worth of rest in betweeen sets. Rests that short were hard mentally, had to force it.

    TT = 7:19

    12 days ago this took me 9:45. This tells me two things, 1) This thing is more mental than anything else, and 2) I didn't try hard enough on 7/3. Setting a PR 12 days later by well over 2 minutes proves that I really pussed out the first time.

    I was committed to giving this WOD everything I had today, so much so that I couldn't sleep that well last night (I know that's ridiculous). Final 10 reps had me yelling out loud. My neighbors were out front too getting in their cars to go to work. They were definitely looking over into my garage.

    Before the WOD I thought to myself "Fran makes my throat burn for hours, and that's because of all of the hype around Fran, we try super hard. So why don't I try just as hard on this one?"

    Traps will be sore.... Nancy sounds really hard, I'm not that good at OHS's or running (power walking for me). I might row, can't decide.

  5. My running has definitely gotten better, OHS weren't too bad, I did sets of 10 & 5 for each round. Kicked Nancy's ass from the last time by almost 4 minutes!!

    TT: 18:36(pr)

  6. Treadmills and squat racks are about 150 yards apart. So, the long rest between each excercise allowed me to go after each excercise. 3rd round of OHS's were the only broken set. All others felt surprisingly good.

    TT = 20:42

    Later fellas.

  7. tried OHS's and it hurt the damn shoulder. These and HSPU's are about all that's left that I can't do. Oh well. So I made up the run400M/50 squats x4 WOD cos my upper body is sore all over but my legs aren't... so I got em sore! Subbed 500M rows which was unkind. TT 15:19. Squats were slow for some reason. Whatever, my legs are burning so I am getting stronger!


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