Thursday, August 20, 2009

Karen - 150 damn wall ball shots


  1. target is 9 feet (I have a 10 footer indoors, but I had to be outside tonight, it's purdy out there dammit)

    So I did 150 reps in 7:27, then added 20 more penalty reps since I have a 9 foot target, got that done in 8:26. Next time I'll do RX'd you sunsabitches, but I think the workload must have been pretty close adding 20 more of these bastards. I hate burpees only slightly more than wall ball. Burpees hate factor is 9/10, a shitload of wall balls is a good 8/10. Haven't had a beer all week, but I'm tempted to have one now.

  2. Nice work Craig, I had a 10ft target and you beat me by 10 seconds.

    TT: 8:36

    This one gave me a scratchy throat from the heavy breathing. It's funny how you can get your ass winded in under 9 minutes. Love this shit. Dude on the demo vid gets it in 5 minutes flat. Just plain sick. I bet Jacob does it in 4:15 or something insane.

  3. I don't quite share your hatred for wall balls. I actually kind of like them and would trade 150 WB's for 50 burpees any day. Anyway,

    TT: 8:29

    Played 2 games of softall before going to the gym, and did 2 sets of 50 DU's to warm up. (1:25 and 1:26) Hamstring can still be a bit tender at times, but it's coming around.

  4. I am with Mike on this one, except I would go as far as to say I would do 200 WB for 50 burpees!

    10' target, sets of 50-25-25-25-25

  5. I think the reason I was bitching about wall balls yesterday, was that my legs were SHOT. Last weeks front squats, burpees, and whatever else, combined with dirt biking and mountain biking made me want to cry....

  6. Got the whole station to do 150 Wall Balls, god bless them all.

    150 Wall Balls, 20 lbs at a 10' target

    Shauwn 10:00 Est.
    Steve 9:00 Est.
    Ryan 10:00 Est.

    Jacob 6:22 Rx'd (PR)

    10 Minute Rest then...

    AMRAP in 15 Minutes of:
    3 HSPU
    5 Pull-ups
    7 Knees to Elbows

    Jacob 19 Rounds

    Going to do some more lifting once I'm done with dinner.

  7. Did this one at 8:30 pm on sat. night finished 6:12. We have been doing lots of different running drills lately so my time has been spent mostly running, which is good because i'm not a huge fan, especially at 6200' It all helps get you stronger right? Will do hpc's sunday am. Peace out myles

  8. Myles beat Jacob, Myles beat Jacob, nanny nanny booboo!!


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