Friday, August 28, 2009

Saturday 090829

Five rounds for time of:

95 pound Power snatch,

15 repsRun 400 meters

Post time to comments.
Compare to 061105.


  1. Picture from the other morning. Pretty typical here. Would post more pictures but not much to see.

    Todays WOD preceded by the OHS.

    TT: 20:59

    Jumping on the power snatch made a big difference in getting that weight up easier. Only person in the gym this morning. Was really nice. Talked to the gym supervisor and hopefully get a rower and a straight pull up bar. All they have now are pull up bars on the cable maCHines. No rowers. We'll see...

  2. Scott, that is insane. You need to fix that thermostat because clear it must be broken.

    I really really want to do this WOD (I love poweful snatches) but my back is not going to let me. Snatches and Cleans specifically are what hurts most. Oh well, I'll come back to it when I can. This afternoon we have a babysitter coming over and we're going on a tough mountain bike ride, then dinner... to celebrate nine years of marriage.

  3. Morey: I don't know if it'll make you feel any better, but that's only 55 degrees celcius.

    WODoers: Gym failed to open this morninng, so I do 5 rounds 400m run 5 muscle ups. Measured run after cause it seemed a littl far .26m.


  4. My neck is so jacked up from all the craziness last night at the Nine Inch Nails show that I'm taking a rest day. Words cannot describe how hot and sweaty I got at the show. It was insane!

    Amazing show, but it's sad it's over.... for now anyways.

    Nine Inch Nails: 1989-2009

    To give you an idea how dehydrated I got, and probably still am I weighed in this morning at 166.5lbs.

    Sick isn't it?

  5. Took me a little bit to get the technique down on the Power snatch. The jump is definitely key. No world records here, but I was more focused on form than time. First time with this one and I liked it.

    TT: 22:37

  6. Congrats Fletcher!

    Jacob - That is nuts. What was your game weight when you came out for the Games? I'm sure it was a great show. Hopefully you didn't kill anyone out there!

    17:58 for the Snatch Wod. Sub-17 next time.

  7. Had about a 30 second transition time from snatches to the treadmill as they are about as far apart as they can be in the gym. Anyway,

    TT = 23:03

    Hammy held up at a good jogging pace, so hopefully I can start opening up a bit.


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