Wednesday, December 9, 2009


The old 75'er


  1. WODoers: I got 24:56 this am. I want to go sub 24, but I think I need a new strategery. Next time, I am going to accept the fact that I am going to have some time running at slower pace and just start slower and then increase my pace throughout. This time I was gased at the 13 minute mark and had to try and recover. Got to remember Lupton's advice and run for a negative split.

    I was going to order a two buy a 2 pood kb from muscle driver for the great price of 80 bucks, but I canceled my order when I found out they were going to charge me another fifty just to ship it. I solved my problem for twenty bucks at kmart and bought another 25# db. With an old ratchet strap, some athletic tape and some gorilla tape I created the old 75'er. Swung it a few times for fun and I can't wait to use it in a wod.

  2. Didn't do the 5k cause I do like 3 a month here. Did 400m sprints on the treadmill. Forgot how much they suck to do on the treadmill. Next time will measure it outside.

    88 sec
    84 or 94 (couldn't remember where I was at for time on the damn thing)

    No where near PRs for me.

  3. 5K Run for time:

    Jacob 19:07 (Treadmil)

    Just set the tread at 9.5pmh/10mph/10.5mph for each respective mile and road it out towards the end.

  4. So it looks like the sectionals I'll be headed to will be in Missouri, at least it's closer then Colorado. I wonder how cold it's going to be out there in February. Looks like I'm going to have to stick with my cold weather running for the next few months.

    I'm really shocked at how close the date is, but I have 60 days to tighten things up, which basically consists of lifting heavy...period. So I'm interested to see how things go. Goodbye HQ WOD schedule and hello E-Town Garage Complex. Should be fun none the less.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Craig Bloggy Bloggerson, when I search for old 5k posts using the search function above I only get the most recent post - even if I click on the "Older Posts" link. Is this the wrong way to search it? Blogging search is still way easier than the old e-mail search, but I was just wondering if there was another way.

  7. I'm so used to being behind that I thought I was a day behind when I came into the gym today. Did this one on the treadmill.

    TT = 29:01

    Tried to start off slow and build up, but ended up having to take many walking breaks throughout. Really struggled today.


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