Monday, December 28, 2009

Another 5k Row

Humvee w/ a lot of shit on it


  1. No rower here but have done 2 5k runs here in the past week, so counting those instead.
    12.24.09 23:28
    12.28.09 23:21

    Also did Annie on 12.27.09 13:08

    I know I could get a lot faster on these, but no beer and no sex makes Scott smoke cigarettes.

  2. Morey: Sweet pic. Nice run times too.

    WODoers: New warm up is going to be good to me. Second day and pistols are already getting better. Row sucked ass. Tried to go faster at the begining and that did not work at all. Died five minutes in and then just had to gut it out. This kills my ass. Had to stop and adjust at least 10 times. 20:55 I am the row pussy.

  3. Hit my mark on this one, big time!

    5K Row for time:

    Jacob 18:44.4 (PR)

    Damper: 10
    Stroke per minute: 19
    500m Split: 1:51

  4. Here's a link to my Rowing breakdown...


  5. Jacob, I knew you would beat my time if you knew what it was first, you bad ass competitive sumbitch. Now I have to try to shave 11 more seconds off of my PR from just two days ago so that I can reclaim the title. That with a shore shoulder, swollen knee, and I feel like I'm coming down with something. Still though, I will fight hard. If this kills me then you are responsible for providing for my two little kids, but hands off the wife! :-)

    Scott, your military pictures are the best!! You guys rule. Stop smoking, find beer.

  6. I think that's a strange proposition Fletcher, but I hope you beat me then cause I don't think I am anywhere near father material. But then again if you're not feeling up to snuff maybe you should given each one of them a kiss goodbye. I thought I was seeing the light at the end of the tunnel at the end of my 5K and up to that point I was feeling tip top.

    So buckle down and fire out a PR 5K. I'll be rooting for you... and your family.

  7. OK bitches. For those of you who were half way to Illinois for that sleepover, you are going to have to turn around and head to Colorado cos' (so far) you're staying at my house tonight.

    43 hours after a PR I got a new PMFR and let me tell you, it was sheer will power and mental fortitude. I'm not trying to sound like a tough guy or anything, I am just trying to express how very hard that was for me to do.

    Every time that damn split time got above 1:52 I jsut willed it down, it was a fight, a real damn fight.

    TT = 18:38.8

    Jacob, you're turn. I still have my stuff packed up in the car in case I have to stay at your place, but I'd rather stay home tonight if I could.

    I also got a flip Mino HD video handcam thing for Christmas and for some gay reason I filmed the row. Just wanted to see what my form looks like I guess. I also exclaimed "This is for you Jacob!" at the beginning of the row just to fire myself up. I'll see if I can find somewhere to post a video that big and you can see some of it, fast forward it, or just totally ignore it. I'd reccomend the latter. Who wants to watch a guy row anyway? Since I'm blabbing, I'll also mention that it is cold out in that garage. I did the whole row in long pants and sleeves. I had no choice, other than to bring the rower in the house and I didn't want to do that. Had to crank my tunes up while my 1 year old son (that I will continue to father) sleeps. Come on Jacob, let me have this one. You can have ALL of the other WODs. Just kidding. Beat my time big boy. Give me something even more ridiculous to shoot for. If it weren't for you I wouldn't have pushed the puke boundaries like I did today, so for that, I am sincerely thankful. You made me a better rower buddy.

  8. I'm speechless, that's freaking awesome. I don't know if I even want to try to beat that. And to think you do that with the damper at 5, unreal!

    I don't know if I'll give that a try for a few days, but when I do I'll certainly let you know the result Fletcher.

    Craig "Row Master" Fletcher.

    You are the man!

  9. Thanks Jacob. Your metcon times are among the best in the entire world, so coming from you that means a lot.

    I just logged this on the Concept 2 world rankings page to see where I stood. I got 222nd out of 1,061 recorded 5K rows for guys 30-39, all sizes (you can separate heavy from lightweight, I just include everyone). So I beat 79.1% of the entrants. I think I'll row more than just casually, cos' a lot of those guys are serious rowers. I love and hate rowing.

  10. Holy shit you fast mutha fuckas. I tried to keep my s/m down to 20 or lower which make a big difference. 6 am wod- was 3 rounds 20dips, 15hspu, 10 burpees, row 500m. I forgot my time
    11 am Wod- row 5k TT 19:26,
    2 5k's in 3 days is fuckin awesome considering I hate rowing. Oh and can I get a little slack up here at 6500' above see level?

  11. I dunno Myles. For one, you live there, you are acclimated, and for two, you are a killer athlete, look at all your other times! For me I really think being tall has a big advantage. How could it not? Every pull is further isn't it? I still have to pull it further but I don't know if that matters. It's obvious that you and Jacob have much better metcon than I do so that must be it.

    I'm at 5,300 feet.

    Can I use the fact that I am 10 years older than you and Jacob too? (am I? I don't know, I'm 38) :-)

    I thought it was cool that they posted two 5K rows in 3 days time. Look at what it got going on for us. Fun stuff. Sometimes "constantly varied" means as part of the constant variation, there will be no variation. Or something.

  12. Fletcher there is no excusing your baaaaad assness. Your rowing time is awesome. I went up against one of my 6'2" clients on this one and got him by 15 seconds. So although being tall can have it's advantages Fletcher you have conditioned yourself quit well. It will be fun at your house tonight. And Travis uses the age handicap. He comes up with different exchange rates. Like 5 pounds per year or 30 seconds per year difference, whatever works. I'll be 27 on Feb 21st. Peace out maniacs


  13. Guys, these look cool. Expensive, but cool.

  14. Myles, thanks man, I really appreciate that coming from a superhero like yourself. I just wish I could tear through a lot of the other stuff. Having a messed up shoulder really bites for a CrossFitter but the rower doesn't bother the shoulder. Stuff like HSPU's, attempts at MU's, OHS, etc. sure does though.

    Oh well, it is what it is! I do what I can!

    Guys, you should watch some of those 2009 CF games videos on the journal site if you haven't already. Chelle and I watched the chipper WOD (final WOD out of 8) last night. It was intense. I also got "Every Second Counts" for Christmas. It was inspirational, but too much focus on the big ass football player and I would not say worth $30, but still a great DVD.


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