Monday, December 28, 2009

Snatch 1x7


  1. Worked on form the best I could here.
    115x5 - 120x4 - 125x3 - 130 - 135 - 140 - 145 - 150(PR)

  2. Fletcher: Awesome row!

    WODoers: If you want to try something that sounds really easy, but is actually riduculously hard, try a turkish get up with a 20# wall ball. I wish I had a video to so I could laugh at myself.

    65,95,105,115,135,150pr 160 no go

    We will see how my new warm up improves my snatch, it has stayed virtually unchanged for well over a year, while all of my other lifts have improved dramatically.

  3. I was on a good role incorporating snatches into a bunch of my warmups, but then I woke up with a stiff neck one day and havent given the snatch proper attention since then. Today went like this
    95, 115, 135, 145, 155, 165, 175Fail(which is my current pr)
    My goal is 200+ so I've got some work to do. It takes a lot of practice

  4. Thanks guys. I think I could go a bit faster on that row, but not much. I was whooped.
    I went to the world rankings on the Concept 2 web site and found that this performance ranked number 289 of 1056, so I beat 73% of the other people out there in the 30-39 age group, which I am on the upper end of. Pretty cool but I want to get in the top 25%. 18:50.2 will put me there. That's the goal next time.

    Taking today off. I just did a bunch of snatches Saturday before we did FGB and my knee is all swollen too.

  5. Craig nice post about the Fu. I could seriously use some help with the snatch my self because to be honest I just plain suck at it. I took a Oly lift class in the Spring when I just started with CF, but I don't practice it enough and I need to.

    I had to take a rest day yesterday because I was and still am so sore from the bench press madness. I use to bench press all the time prior to CF, but haven't in quite some time. Probably since our last Linda. It felt good to WOD and it actually loosened me up a bit.


    Later guys

  6. Snatch to Snatch Balance to Overhead Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 (All one consecutive movement)


    Still trying to land one at my bodyweight.

  7. Dudes - I just ordered me a pair of these bad boys. The Kung Fu master (and coach Rip) say they are a must. So I used my Christmas money and ordered em up. Maybe now my health lift 1RM will go from 385 to 455 overnight. Yah right. At least I will look cool when I'm puking now.

  8. Hit my mark on this one, big time!

    5K Row for time:

    Jacob 18:44.4 (PR)

    Damper: 10
    Stroke per minute: 19
    500m Split: 1:51


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