Saturday, December 12, 2009



  1. WODoers: I finally got er done.

    Health lift: 465 pr
    Shoulder press: 170 had to leave a little in the tank for the squats.
    Squat: 365 tied pr
    CFT: 1000 pr

    Helpful hint: The deadlift is at least 50% mental. Focus on how it feels to complete a successful lift. Close your eyes. Visualize this feeling for at least a minute just before your lift. Now load your Pr wieght, don't think anything about the wieght, only how it feels to complete the lift, it is just a bar not a weight, think about how it feels as your back extends and the weight moves up your legs, now go pick the fucking weight off the ground! Guaranteed pr.

    Random thoughts on the .com wod and patience. In the journal article "Zone on the Rocks" Rob Miller talks about how coach explained to him that the wod would only take him so far, but if he would let coach guide his diet, he could look forward to seven to eight more years of increased performance. At that time, Rob Miller was one of the best rock climbers in the world. Some things just take time. Which is wonderful news for me. Cause if I attain my peak physical performance between 40 and 42 and then maintain it as long a possible, hopefully fifty, and then slowly decrease with age, I will be one happy guy busting out sub 12 minute Fran times when friends and colleges are starting use walkers and chairs with motors.

  2. I did this today and had some things firing right.
    BS 405 PR!
    Sp 175
    DL 425
    1005 PR!
    Justin I agree with your thoughts on the DL it is mental for sure.

  3. Those are some mean totals the both of you have, way to go Justin and Myles. That's the real deal!

    My legs are still whipped from my back squat, thruster WOD at the FD last day, so I stuck with my new plan. Went okay, but I didn't have bumpers and I didn't have a spot on the bench. Still felt alright though and my legs are a little more at ease now after the blood started pumping through them again.

    Warm up:
    Stretching movements...
    Air Squat 3x15
    V Stance Toe Touch Push-ups 3x15

    Deadlift 15-15-15, 10-10-10, 5-5-5

    Jacob 225-225-225, 275-275-275, 315-315-315

    WOD 1
    Deadlift 5-4-3-2-1-1-1

    Jacob 315-325-335-345-355-365-375-385(Failed)

    Warm up:
    Stretching movements...
    Traingle Push-ups 3x10
    PVC bar pass overs 3x10

    Bench Press 15-10-5 (50%1RM,60%1RM,70%1RM)

    Jacob 135-155-185

    WOD 2
    Bench Press 5-4-3-2-1-1-1

    Jacob 195-205-215-225-235-235-235

    Planning on doing Tabata Abs after dinner tonight, but we'll see. I am still in the first leg of a 48 hour shift at the FD, so I might have scale it back.

  4. Agree w/ the DL thought, but could not get that mentality today. It sucked.

    Back Squat 335# (PR by 5#)
    Shoulder Press 160 (tied PR)
    DL 365 (385 fail x 3)(PR of 405#)

    CFT 860


  5. Combined the squat workout with the CFT. The tops ends of the lifts were:

    squats: 365, 375 f (5# under PR)
    press: 185, 195f, 190f (5# under PR)
    deads: 385, 395f, 395 (tied PR)

    Total = 945 (10# under PR)

    Think that I would have had a bit more left in the tank for squats and deads without the squats WOD. But, probably not a big difference.


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