Wednesday, December 2, 2009

One Arm Fran


Right arm 60# Thrusters
Left arm 60# Thrusters
Right arm one arm pull up
Left arm one arm pull up


  1. WODoers:

    I used 65#s on the olypic bar for the Wod. Right arm was perfect, with left arm I had to help stabilize with right arm a little bit, left arm is uncoordinated. I read the wod as unweighted one arm pull ups. I did touch bottom chin to top of hand for every rep. Slow and steady on this one: 22:34

  2. When you look back at the WOD and especially the picture of Charity, you are supposed to do one-armed pullups WITH a 60 lb dumbbell. Um, no.

    This one was "interesting" for me, or shall we say, I sucked at it.

    Duct taped a 10 lb weight to my 50 lb dumbbell, so did the thrusters RX'd. Did the first 15 one armed pullups with my left arm, got 6 done with the right arm and just couldn't do any more (I am a lefty), failed like 4 times in a row, then realized I was in over my head. So for round one I did 18 slow motion strict pullups. For rounds 2 and 3 I added weight to my vest so it was 30 lbs, then made myself into a 245 lb. dude and did 15 and 12 reps of 30 lb weighted pullups. Had to stop to add the weights to the vest and also to duct tape my calluses. TT = 19:15 or something like that. I don't even know. Weird one.

    I'm going to WOD tomorrow, so that will be 4 days in a row, then rest Friday in preparation for the Lumberjack WOD on Saturday. I wonder what they are going to do on the main site, because as they regular 3 day cycle goes Saturday would be a rest day, but they announced the commemorative Fort Hood victims WOD for 12/5 like last week. I might even rest tomorrow too cos my "Lil Buddy" is resurfacing. Lots of squatting lately, which is why the thing just won't go away.

  3. Justin, there is an old song by Rocket From the Crypt (it's a cool song actually) called "Sturdy Wrists"... I think they had you in mind when they wrote that song. Damn dude. You are The Wristmeister.

  4. 22:15 as rx'd

    The crew on the P90X thing all fell threw. Back at the WOD and damn glad! I stuck through on it as long as any of them, but wasn't about to continue P90X by myself.

  5. So this is a mess on the main site. Let me understand this, here is what you have to do
    15, 12, 9
    #60 thruster r arm
    #60 thruster l arm
    #60 r arm pull ups
    #60 l arm pull ups

    Is this correct, because it doesnt seem to bad.

  6. I think that's what they mean. You weight the one armed pullups with 60 lbs. If that's not "too bad" for you then you ARE TOO BAD for me! Do it Myles, Do it baby! Get video of yourself doing those pullups!

  7. I understood the pull-ups w/o weight..?? And yeah, if that is not too bad for you then WTF Myles? You are the man!!

  8. ok just read it again, looks like both thrusters and pull ups, so I am not as rx'd. shit.

  9. They rewrote it with pull ups weighted. There is no way I could do that as Rx'd. I happy that I could do even one pullup with my left arm. The 45# two arm pullups on three types of pullup wod crush me.

  10. You guys that can do all 72 one arm pullups are pretty strong ass dudes. I could only do 1 or 2 at a time. I would be here for a week if I did that. Myles, if you do this WOD RX'd that is damn impressive.

    So needless to say, I subbed

    Thrusters were RX'd
    Pullups I did 40# weighted pu sets of 30,24 and 18

    TT: 17:10


  11. Well I tried the 50lb dumbell this morning and thought it wasn't that bad. Then I went home and got some duct tape and taped a 5lb plate on each side. This made a weee bit of a difference. The hardest part was holding the weight between the legs and the grip. This also pumped up the old biceps a little.
    Fuckin crazy workout

  12. Oh tt 35:15 rx'd,, way to fuckin long

  13. Myles, it doesn't matter how long it took, the fact is, I don't think I could do a single rep of this. You are a FREAK. A strong man. A stud.


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