Sunday, December 27, 2009

Row 5k


  1. WODoers: Once again my left leg fell asleep, but this time I just kept going.

    20:34 pr but I want sub 20:00. I kept ahead of my pace boat until about 8 min mark then I just couldn't go faster than a 2:05/500m. I guess I am just a pussy.

    Weight shot back up to 205 after the last cycle, only ate a little bad on Christmas, all other meals weighed and measured, makes me wonder if I have gained some muscle, cause I look skinnier in the mirror and pants fit looser.

  2. What's up rowers. I too wanted sub 20 but couldn't make it happen today finished TT
    Sore ass, Myles

  3. Crew members. I had a goal to go sub 19:00 here even though I felt like crap all day, just tired and unmotivated. But quit whining right.

    Strategy was this: Go the same speed the whole time. My problem in the past (like when I DNF'd on this same WOD last week) was that I start off too hard and then I get pukey. So I wanted to hold a 1:53 - 1:54ish pace the whole way. I did just that. TT = 18:55 PMFR. Previous PR was 19:09. Next goal is to get 18:30. That's a long ways off though.

    Two more pieces of strategy: 1) damper no higher than 5, and 2) push like hell with legs and fire back with midsection, finish with pull (be religuous about the three stage pull) and then REST at the back of the stroke for one breath. It won't kill your pace to get that breath if you pull hard enough.

    Don't pack up for the sleepover at my place just yet, The Terminator hasn't posted yet.

    Also, admittedly, I'm sure being 6'4" is a cheat on this, but I can use all the help I can get. Rowing is the only thing I ever beat anyone on. Later dudes.

    PS - I was short of breath for 45 minutes after FGB yesterday. Is that normal?

  4. Oh, I guess technically it was 18:54.7. Didn't notice that til I posted the photo. Cool to get two metcon PR's in a row! Might have to rest tomorrow though. I am super spent with throat burn.

  5. Fletcher that is bad ass. You are my rowing hero!

  6. I totally wanted to row before I went into work today and even went as far as to set up my rower in my living room so I could watch some TV while doing it Fletcher, but I couldn't drag my butt out of bed.

    That's an awesome 5K man, I don't think I can top that, but I'll pound it out tomorrow.

    Snatch to Snatch Balance to Overhead Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 (All one consecutive movement)



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