Thursday, December 24, 2009

DL 1-10-1-20-1-30

I dub the workout 'uuugggh!"


  1. Myles: I rested plenty in between each set yesterday and today.

    WODoers: I think these last two wods are secret marketing plan by coach. He wants everyone to be asking us, "Why are you walking so funny?" At all the x-mas partis tomorrow.

    Only had 315# so
    315x20 did it 7,4,3,3,2,1 less than 10 sec break
    255x30 unfuckingbroken

    Total weight: 1830

    I must admit I was quite shocked at the 255, I kept waiting to fail and I just kept on standing up. The body is a weird, wonderful, and amazing thing.

  2. Another killer post by Justin.

    I'm going to do the chipper WOD from the 2009 games later. The "roid" is happily fading away, so I'll get back into some heavy lifting soon. This will be a good test cos it includes some fairly heavy squat cleans and thrusters.

    15 reps 155lb BB squat clean
    30 Toes to bar
    30 Box jumps 24" box
    10/15 Muscle ups
    30 PushPress /PushJerk 40lb DBs
    30 Double Unders
    15 reps 135lb Thruster
    30 Pullups
    30 Burpees
    300' OH Walking lunge with 45lb plate

  3. Deadlift 1-10-1-20-1-30

    Jacob (BW: 169)

    315lbs for 20 Justin? Sick!

    Felt good today... Merry Christmas!

  4. Only have 300 so

    300-225 (12/8)
    300-205 (15/15)

    Have a nice Christmas everyone!

  5. Went snowboarding today, first time hitting jumps for the season, tweaked my ankle a little so I will do this on Xmas along with the bench press version. Merry Xmas guys

  6. Fne work all. Myles, you are Superman, Ye shall recover.

    I did the 2009 games chipper WOD sorta. Was in a huge hurry, wife was yelling at me, had to go to a family thing so I skipped the MU's and didn't sub and skipped the OH lunge walk, still took 20 minutes. It was a tough one, I just didn't have the wind. Good to WOD though. cleans and thrusters shall test the hemi. Hope tomorrow it is still a Christmas Pea and not a Holiday Marble.

    Hopefully I can WOD with one of the baddest ass martial artists in the world (for real) this weekend. Michael Casey, Wing Tsun master, is in town this weekend visiting family and doing a WT seminar. He is a friend of a friend and is also a CF certified trainer. We are gonna try to hook up to WOD. Will report later.

    PS - hardest part was the toes to bar surprisingly. Heavy cleans and thrusters are always hard, and those damn burpees are ever there, but the toes to bar were tough. Kept almost losing my grip. K2E are tough, but TTB are worse cos' I was practically upside down ever rep, and strict, no kip. Later dudes. Merry Christmas.

  7. Christmas Day, DLs followed by bench press.

    365-275-365-225-365-(225x11, 205x15+4)

    Had to cut back on the last set, form was getting real bad and back was feeling it

  8. Did this one today after working out a bit with the high school wrestling team. I forgot how damn hard wrestling is. There's no substitute for it - went about 6 minutes live and was sucking air. I did get about 6 take downs to 1 though.

    365, 315, 385, 225 tweaked back

    Back has felt out of place since. I've been trying to keep it warm and stretch throughout the day though. Later fellas.


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