Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tuesday 091208

For time:
run 800m
30 hip / back ext.
30 Hip ext.
30 Knees to elbows
30 Back ext.
30 AbMat Sit ups


  1. Right before my TurkeyDay 5k Trot. I think they edited out the middle finger in there. Did todays WOD followed by the Split Jerks.

    No GHD, just a Roman Chair here.

    TT: 16:40

    I expect to see some times half of mine.

  2. Morey: Just hook you feet under some 55's and touch you head to the ground. It is just as bad a the GHDsitup. It might even be harder on the abs cause your legs can't help much.

    WODoers: I wrote this one out on the whiteboard and beat my projected time by 16 seconds. TT= 12:43

    Rowed 1000m and I subbed 15# goodmornings for all back stuff. I don't think my abs and hamstrings are going to like me tomorrow.

  3. Morey, lookin good man. Where's the machine gun?

    Subbed 1000M row for 800M run. Running is easier than rowing in my opinion (pukeness!) There was lots of snow on the ground at 5:30 this morning, more falling, and zero degrees and dark out, so I wussed out.

    Everything else RX'd. HBE's strict with the pad mid thigh and snaking the back were tough! I was a form nazi today. K2E's are always fun. Blasting some hip-hop, space heater, and rockin' the Denver Bronco winter hat!

    TT = 15:23

  4. This WOD should be named the nut cruncher or ball smasher. Not fun at all. HBE's were definitely hard, my thighs hurt from keeping them tensed up. I was glad when it was over.

    TT: 14:52

    You gotta love the women of CrossFit. Back to back photos of some hot women. giggity giggity


  5. Did my rope jumping warm-up today.

    3 Rounds of:
    100 side to side / 10 dry swings
    100 heel to toe / 10 dry swings
    100 skip through / 10 dry swings

    end with 50 DU's (1,000 overall total)

    TT = 9:52

    No strategy today. Today's WOD, subbed ball under ass for GHSU's, and 35# db good mornings for the last of the back exercises as BX machine was taken. Otherwise as rx'ed.

    TT = 14:53

    Later fellas.

  6. You guys should check out the Crossfit Journal and watch the video "Understanding the Real Battle." It is Dave Castro's side of the Arguing going on in Crossfit. I have been able to sit through lectures of both Dave and Robb Wolf, and additional certification in which the instructors are saying "I don't know why Crossfit teaches it this way." Dave hits it on the Head with his talk. Oh I did a 5k "Plus" challenge at a nearby Croosfit gym this Sat and got 2nd. It was run 1k then 8 pull ups, 16 pushups, 32 squats x4 then just 1 k run at the end.
    TT 24:40
    There were no judges so everyone was to be honest with full range of motion. It was good fun and good competition. Travis and I usually workout together and push each other. It can be hard with our schedules to meet up so I always workout alone. It can be tough to push yourself hard enough. I didn't do yesterday or today because my shoulder is sore, and running outside in the snow takes some time. I will try it tomorrow and post then.
    Myles the Pussy

  7. Did this workout today subbed 1000m row instead of run
    tt 12:51

  8. For time:
    Run 800 meters
    30 Good Mornings, 45lbs
    30 GHD Sit-ups
    30 Good Mornings, 45lbs
    30 Knees to Elbows
    30 Good Mornings, 45lbs
    30 AbMat Sit-ups

    Jacob 10:10

    Had to do sub's today because I was at the FD, althought I hate it, it still was a good WOD.


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