Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!
Bench Press
Post total loads.


  1. Merry Christmas everybody! Found this picture for you Fletcher!! Went to gym this morning and did the DLs followed by the bench press. Again, had to guess here, I hardly ever do or have done bench in 20 years.

    225-155-225-155-225-135x25+3+1 1/2+1

    Good work everybody, I like the change up of the WODs.

    Happy holidays, hope everyone has a good time and gets a new kettlebell!!

  2. Myles: El nino is being very good to you guys and very bad to Jackson. There is brown poking through everywhere and its cold as fuck. This is not why I live here.

    WODoers: Merry Christmas!! Snow or not it is a Happy Day.

    Don't have a bench so I did shoulder press

    175x1 tied pr
    135x10 5-1-1-1-1-1
    180x0 got it halfway there, so I know its going down next time we do sp
    95x20 17 and 3
    180x0 couldn't even move it this time
    75x30 23, 6 and 1

    Going to soak in the tub. All those power cleans and presses worked over my already tired hamstrings and lower back.
    Have a great day fellas!

  3. Merry Christmas fellas!!

    I've made it back to MT. Got to Mama J's a little after midnight on Wednesday night, and came to my mom's hometown to be with family yesterday. Probably won't find a gym today, but I'll get to it when I get back home.

    Keep on crushing it into the New Year everybody! Thanks to all for the motivation to keep on going.

  4. Merry Christmas Everyone!

    Bench Press 1-10-1-20-1-30

    Jacob(BW: 169)

    I don't think it helped when I stopped after my 20 set to eat Christmas dinner at the fire station, then tried to power out my 30's, but who knows for sure.

  5. I did the Deadlifts and Bench presses hear are my numbers
    DL All unbroken and 2 minutes rest between sets
    Then right into the benchpresses
    I kinda lost some gas doing the two wods back to back. But it was a good old fashioned meat head workout. Feeling all puffed up time to go out and party with all the tourist, this place is a fuckin zoo come Christmas time. Can't wait to feel this one the next couple of days.
    Merry Christmas suckas and fuck yeah on all these big numbers

  6. I'm a day behind. Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas.

    265-185 (12/8)

    Total 1335

    Later fellas

  7. I also combined this one with the dead lift workout. Also did some live wrestling with the high school team. Wrestling had me sucking air very quickly.

    225, 185, 235, 135, 245, 135 = 1160

    I went too light on the 20 set, then gassed out on the 30 set.


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