Monday, December 7, 2009

Split Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1


  1. WODoers:

    It was the clean and jerk for me.


    You know you are deep when your elbows hit your thighs.

  2. Warm Up:

    Split Jerk 3-3-3

    Jacob 135-155-175


    Split Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

    Jacob 185-195-205-215-225-230-235(PR Tie)-240(F)

    Damn Justin that's deep! Were you doing thrusters instead?

  3. Justin, were you doing full squat cleans and then jerking them?

    Guys, I didn't want to go heavy today. My "hemi" lurketh. That Lumberjack deal brought er back to see daylight.

    So today I did Annie. I've only done it once before and that was the first time I ever tried DU's. That first go round I got 22 minutes. Today was 13:39 RX'd, so obviously improving and PR but still not a wicked time. Twice I got 8 unbroken DU's, but usually it was just 2-4ish at a time.

    As soon as the rhythm kicks in though, I smack my shoes with the rope. It is really cold in CO right now and I had shorts on for some stupid reason, so I left many welts on my right upper leg from whipping it with the rope. Sweatpants next time!

  4. Warmup

    Split Jerk 3-3-3 w/135

    WOD 155,175,185,195,205(pr),210(PMFR)

    I know I had 1 more rep to go but I decided to take Dave Tate's advice and left the gym on a high note and not risk injury.

    Just for the hell of it I did ABRipperX for all you ex-P90xer's. That is still a kick ass ab/core workout.

    Later guys.

  5. Yes, squat cleans. Even if I had a rack I would do the cleans, it is more fun for me.

  6. Did this after the ab / back WOD.
    135x3 warm-up/form
    Ab RipperX is a killer!

  7. Spoken like a true CrossFitter Justin. If you add the front squat, why, it's more "fun!"

    Hey, anyone that wants the AbRipper X routine let me know. It does spank the abs for SURE and it's a change of pace.

  8. Did some jump roping and Tuesday's WOD before the split jerks today.

    135x5, 185, 205, 225f, 225, 235f, 235f

    Felt sluggish and like shit today. I think inactive days at work are dragging me down all around. Or, could just be getting sick.


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