Thursday, December 17, 2009

Squat Clean 1-1-1-1-1


  1. WODoers:

    I really didn't think I had it today, very sore from last two. I worked my way up to an attempt at a new pr at 235, and failed three times. Then I did something new. I wrote my new pr on the white board with exclamation points and everything, then I put the eraser in front of me on the floor. I had a long stair down with the eraser and got super pissed off about the thought of having to use it to erase what I had just written, then in a fit of highly focused rage, I pr'd at 235#. Feeling great, I went for the jerk and when I was positioning the bar my earphone flew out and struck me in the eye hard, I lost my focus, but I still went for the jerk and the other earphone flew out and hit me it the check, I totally lost concentration and missed the jerk. No more headphones on heavy oly day.

  2. That is a great post once again Justin. I still have the damn roid so I can't lift heavy yet STILL. If it doesn't go away soon I'm going to the butt doctor. Shoulder is burning and popping from yesterday too. I'm a beat up old man.

    Today I did 4 rounds of 30 GHDs 25 BE's. TT - 15:36

    2:44, 4:13, 4:22, 4:16. This WOD is still my goat. I have a hard time with it.

  3. Did my cleans yesterday and felt like a blubbering puss, so today I was due for a little punishment. Mission accomplished!

    Justin that's awesome, not the elbow part but getting under 235 on the squat clean. I've caught 235 in a suqat a couple of times, but I have no chance getting out of the bottom. I just sit there with the weight looking like a goon, until I fart a few times and fall over. All that bearing down really taxes my colon. Craig you and I will be exchanging Preperation H containers if I ever make my way out to Denver at the rate I'm going.

    Awesome PR!

    For time:
    21 Pull-ups
    21 Handstand Push-ups
    18 Pull-ups
    18 Handstand Push-ups
    15 Pull-ups
    15 Handstand Push-ups
    12 Pull-ups
    12 Handstand Push-ups
    9 Pull-ups
    9 Handstand Push-ups
    6 Pull-ups
    6 Handstand Push-ups
    3 Pull-ups
    3 Handstand Push-ups
    Handstand push-ups are "nose to floor" and pull-ups are "strict" or non-kipping.

    Jacob 14:48 Rx'd (on parallettes)


    5 Rounds for time of:
    500m Row
    5 Deadlifts, 275lbs
    5 Burpees

    Jacob 14:48 (1:41, 1:45, 1:52, 1:58, 1:53)

    Cool Down...

    Tabata Abs!

    Felt surprisingly good despite not sleeping much, I went back to back on these two metcon's, resting less than 5 minutes between. Coincidently I got the exact same time on both WOD's. I thought that was a little amusing.

  4. Oops did an extra single at the end...

    1 Pull-ups
    1 Handstand Push-ups

    wasn't paying attention.

  5. Justin awesome PR on these. I really need to start practicing the Oly lifts more often. I'm not real good at these. I practiced a bunch of times with 135 and made it up to 190 before I had to stop because I tweaked the lower right side of my back. Good thing tomorrow is a rest day.

    Later guys.

  6. Way to go Kook.

    Warmed up with 50 gd cs mf burpees. Then on the the cleans:

    135, 185, 195f, 195, 205fx7

    The mother fucker just wouldn't go. I was the little engine that could, but the top of the mountain was always just ahead of me. I don't know what happened to my grip strength, but I lost about 5 of these on the way up before the lift really even started. Next time I guess.

    Later fellas. Enjoy the rest day tomorrow.

  7. Oh Lovin the cleans Body weight today 173sh

    Received the bar hard on my throat and did a little choke at the bottom, but made it up, Ahhh the rest days

  8. Been getting it done, just not getting the posts in.

    135x3 WU
    165-175-185-195-200(power clean)-200-205(F)-205(tied PR)

    followed by the CF Endurance WOD
    20 minute time trial on bike (stationary, level 5 too easy) distance 6.14 miles


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