Saturday, December 5, 2009

Lumberjack 20


  1. WODoers: Thought I would rest today, but then when coach posted the WOD on the mainsite I knew I had to do it. This is tough.

    Subs: 280 on deads, 30 50lbs KB swings(I know Fletcher there is no comparision, you could do 1000 50#ers and it would only equal one 2 pood swing) ctb on rings, 115# squat cleans cause no dumbells.


    I struggled with rom on the overhead squats and I think my runs were a little over 400. 7 degrees started out in a sweatshirt ended up in a t-shirt.

  2. Forgot to mention, for $30 you can get a great 24" plyo box and great potential products liability suit. I got a 300# Werner 2' step ladder and it worked great today.

  3. WOD Crew,

    I'm headed to a pig roast in Louisiana today, and figured that I'd catch this one up later. But, then I thought about it, and this seems like a WOD that should be done on the day that everybody else does it to show some CF unity. So, I grabbed a nut and got out of bed and came in and did it.

    This one is as tough as it looks. The runs killed me in the burpee/push-up rounds. And, I subbed front squats for overheads. Couldn't hold the bar over my head today for some reason. Otherwise as Rx'ed.

    TT = 39:43

    Bloody Mary's and roasted pig, here I come!! Later fellas.

  4. By the way, just remember when doing a WOD like this that none of these cell-phone toting, magazine reading, latte drinking, while working out ferries in the gym could handle the intensity it takes to finish a WOD like today.

  5. Thanks Mike!

    Everything Rx'd with the exception of the box jumps. I only have a 20" box. OHS seem to be everyone's goat today. I did them but they were tough. Dumbbell squat cleans were killer as well. I was shooting for sub 30, I came up short.

    TT: 30:29

    I must be getting stronger because 20 275# DL's seemed pretty easy, but what a way to start a WOD. Craig thanks for the WOD tunes both CD's were cranked today. One upstairs in my main gym, the other in the basement where the treadmill and pull bar is.

    Later fellas!

  6. By the way, I've been using Jacob's strategy on most metcon's. Break them into mini sets so I don't gas out early. It really seems to help. Everyone great job today, that was a kick ass WOD!

    I'm predicting 22 minutes for Jacob "The Terminator" Szafranski and Myles "Bad Man aka The Freak" Lewis

  7. Hey guys, excellent posts all the way around. Justin, if you do 473 KB swings @ 54 bls it will equal 1 72 pounder. That's the formula.

    I had a great time with this this morning. My buddy Sean, the guy that first told me about CF, showed up at 6:45 AM. 18 degrees outside so we left the door to the garage gym open about three feet with two space heaters and dressed appropriately.

    Dumbbell cleans were the hardest move for me.

    TT = 33:02. I actually did all of the running. Could barely run after the dumbbell cleans.

    Simpson! No way! Great time for a big pussy!! You are a cheater!! (every time you beat me you cheated, just get used to it).

    Oh, Sean got 32 minutes.

    Radical Islam SUCKS ASS. Remember the fallen.

  8. And by the way, I felt all messed up, short of breath, nausea, weirded out... For over an hour after that. How bout you guys?

  9. Can you feel the love?? I know I can. It's okay Craig, I've got big shoulders you can cry on them anytime you need to. I'm here for you man. : )

    Great numbers by all and yes this wrecked me for awhile after. Finally feeling better now, although my back feels kind of tight.

    Peace out!

  10. Going to bust out the Lumberjack tomorrow, we'll see how it goes but here's my pace for the WOD. I'll post a video of how it went.

    "Lumberjack 20"

    (10/10 1:00) 20 Deadlifts (275lbs)
    (1:30/T-2:30)Run 400m
    (10/10 1:00/T-3:30)20 KB swings (2pood)
    (1:35/T-5:05)Run 400m
    (10/10 1:15/T-6:20)20 Overhead Squats (115lbs)
    (1:40/T-8:00)Run 400m
    (1:15/T-9:15)20 Burpees
    (1:45/T-11:00)Run 400m
    (1:00/T-12:00)20 Pullups (Chest to Bar)
    (1:50/T-13:50)Run 400m
    (1:00/T-14:50)20 Box jumps (24")
    (1:55/T-16:45)Run 400m
    (10/10 1:30/T-18:15)20 DB Squat Cleans (45lbs each)
    (2:00/T-20:15)Run 400m

    Total 20:15 +/- 1:15

    I could be totally delusional on this one, but this is where I would like to be with this one. After seeing the times posted on HQ I think I’m high, but I do like to run so this WOD should be geared towards my strengths, while hopefully not exploiting my weakness (Deadlifts and Squat Cleans) too much. If I do lose my pace it would be pretty early on in the WOD, so I'm going to warm up tomorrow and specifically write out my intervals with rest periods so I know how long I have while I'm huffing and puffing about.

    Awesome work guys, always fight the good fight!

  11. "Lumberjack 20"

    20 Deadlifts (275lbs)
    Run 400m
    20 KB swings (2pood)
    Run 400m
    20 Overhead Squats (115lbs)
    Run 400m
    20 Burpees
    Run 400m
    20 Pullups (Chest to Bar)
    Run 400m
    20 Box jumps (24")
    Run 400m
    20 DB Squat Cleans (45lbs each)
    Run 400m

    Jacob (The Street Soldier) Szafranski 20:20 Rx'd

    400m Pace: 1:32 (1:15, 1:15, 1:30, 1:35, 1:40, 1:40, 1:47)

    Shane (Bandito) Nowak 31:01 (225lbs, 1.5 Pood, 65lbs, 25lb DB's)

    400m Pace: 2:23 (2:20, 2:24, 2:08, 2:22, 2:36, 2:26, 2:23)

    Kept my pace all the way to the cleans then lost it, oh well. Great Running WOD!

  12. I posted a bunch of pictures of the WOD on my blog if anyone is interested.


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