Monday, November 30, 2009

Front Squat 3,3,3,3,3


  1. Chris: Way to charge through two of the toughest wods back to back.

    Fletcher: Yes, they were all squat snatches and they sucked.

    WODoers: Haven't pulled the trigger on the rack yet, so I counted my squat clean as a rep.

    225 power clean pr
    230 squat clean pr(after several misses)
    Then back down to 205 for max reps, I wanted ten but I only got six. 202 to 205 current weight range, but back on measured zone, so losing fat and gaining muscle.

    Looking forward to day o rest.

  2. Hey fellas,

    I went back home to MT for the holiday weekend, and just returned to Houston last night. So, I'll be back in the gym tonight, and trying to play catch-up as usual.

    Went hunting on Thanksgiving Day and the day after. Ended up shooting the smallest 4 point whitetail buck in history and a whitetail doe.

    Then, it was splitting and stacking wood for Mama J on Saturday.

    All in all, a good trip home. Ready to get back in the gym though.

  3. Justen How is the Zone working for you. Do you zone Paleo food? I am doing some work with this Registered Dietician in the gym. She is been a real help, right now I'm experimenting with not eating for 4-6 hours between meals, unless its a recovery protein shake. The protein iI have been using is from a pea and rice protein, which is absorbed better and less allergens. So far so good. Could you email me a typical day of your diet, I want to see what it looks like.

  4. Did this 15 minutes after "Joshie"
    225,235,245,255,265, thought the nuts were going to blow out.
    Oh the rest day!

  5. Thanks Justin, this cycle certainly was a hard one and I'm feeling it in pretty much every muscle in my body. Sore has a whole new meaning to me now. I'd be interested in what you eat on your diet as well. Shoot me an email sometime

    Warm up 135x5

    225x2(almost dumped the weight so I stopped)

    Cool down 185x5, yeah that really freaking cooled me down.

    Man I'm glad tomorrow is a rest day. I am fucking beat up!

    Oh and Craig the guy in that video doing dumbbell power snatches, is a big PUSSY.

    Later guys.

  6. Did the 400m lunge walk and the shoulder WOD's today just because you guys sounded so enthused about the lunge walk.

    400m - 360 steps TT:18:48

    SP - 135, 155, 175, 185f, 185f
    PP - 155, 175, 195, 205x2
    PJ - 135, 165, 185, 205x3

    Wanted to do front squats but don't think I'll be able to make it home on my bike if I do. Felt good as hell to be back in the gym!

  7. Mike, let me know how sore your ass and legs are about 36 hours after the Lunge walk WOD!

  8. 15-12-9 reps for time of:
    Thrusters right arm, 60lb Dumbbell
    Thrusters left arm, 60lb Dumbbell
    "One-hand" pull-up right arm (left hand grabs the right wrist)
    "One-hand" pull-up left arm (right hand grabs the left wrist)

    Jacob 9:55 Rx'd

    Don't know if I did this one right, but I was too afraid to try 60lb 1 arm pull-ups in a for time WOD setup. Still a good workout however.

  9. I forgot to post my results on this one from Tuesday night.

    165, 185, 205, 215, 225, 245x1

    Felt really good even though my legs were sore. I think I could've gotten 235 on last set, but wanted to fail, so I kicked it up a notch.

    Legs were about as sore as anything I've felt before 36-48 hours after the walking lunge. I think they're on the mend though.

  10. Mike - see? That lunge WOD is perhaps the most deceptive WOD I've seen yet. When I read it I was like "no biggie", and even when I did it it wasn't too bad. But the aftermath was much like doing 120+ GHDs. OUCH! For days...


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