Thursday, November 26, 2009

Jump Rope GHsitup Back ex

15 du
15 bx
15 ghsu

20 min AMRAP


  1. WODoers:

    As Rx'd 8 rounds + 15 double unders 15 back ex, no sit ups.

    Happy Turkey Day!

  2. Not sure if you guys saw this. A memorial hero WOD for the victims at Fort Hood next Saturday.

    Lumberjack 20

    20 Deadlifts (275lbs) /Run 400m

    20 KB swings (2pood) /Run 400m

    20 Overhead Squats (115lbs) /Run 400m

    20 Burpees /Run 400m

    20 Pullups (Chest to Bar) /Run 400m

    20 Box jumps (24") /Run 400m

    20 DB Squat Cleans (45lbs each) /Run 400m

  3. Well 3 WOD's 1.5 hours and endless pain, that's what the day called for and that's what the day got me. Enjoy...


    21-15-9 Reps for time of:
    Squat Clean, 135lbs
    Ring Dips

    Jacob 6:59 Rx'd (PR 6:28)

    21's 2:05 (This round ruined the whole WOD, way too fast!)
    15's 2:55
    9's 1:59 (Took me 59 seconds to do 2 cleans and 9 ring dips, oh so tired.)

    15 Minutes rest then...

    400 meter Walking lunge for time:

    Jacob 9:23 Rx'd 320 steps (Garage door out and back to garage door.)

    Started Tabata intervals at 6:30 and it worked quite well, should so that for the whole WOD next time.

    15 Minutes rest then...

    Complete as many rounds as possible 20 minutes of:
    15 Double-unders
    15 GHD Sit-ups
    15 Back extensions

    Jacob 17 Rounds +15 Double Unders

    I know I could get 18 rounds on this one because I had to adjust the Glute Ham twice during the WOD eating up at least 30 seconds of time. Only messed up 2 sets of the double unders!

  4. That Lumberjack WOD looks intense, the deadlifts and the squat cleans will shut me down big time, but I'm looking forward to it.

  5. Jacob, I know it gets old, but DUDEEEE!! Nice numbers and what a workload. That would kill me.

    Guys, first WOD in a few days, ROID BOY is back. 8 rounds + 8 double unders. 7th round was longest one, last round was fastest cos I went like hell to finish, had 15 seconds, jumped off the GHD grabbed the rope and did 8 DU's in a row unbroken. Getting better at DU's. Usually did them back to back, sometimes did the 1-2-1-2. Mike, you are right. Strangely they get "easier" when you are more tired. Two sets I only had one broken rep, that's exciting! About 5 weeks ago I had never done these except one try at Annie.

    Here's a little video showing my average DU attempt (after the WOD). Not because I am good at these, obbviously I am not, but to inspire Chris and Sean who have never tried them. Guys, just practice 5-10 minutes a few times a week and within a few weeks you'll probably be doing them about like this, which is good enough to do WOD's RX'd. NO MORE TUCK JUMPS! GET A ROPE AND USE IT BABY! Besides, it's more fun. Tuck jumps aren't fun, DU's are.

  6. Well %uck my ozone...

    Warm up:

    Tabata Abds:
    Atomic Sit-ups, 25lbs
    Toe Touches
    Leg lift Cross Chops, 25lbs
    Glute Ham Oblique Crunches

    15 Minute rest then...


    10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the quadruplet:

    Deadlift: 1 1/2 body weight
    Bench press: body weight
    Clean: 3/4 body weight
    Pull-up: 1/4 body weight

    Set up the four stations and storm through for time.

    Jacob 170.2lbs

    Deadlift 255lbs
    Bench press 175lbs
    Clean 135lbs
    Pull-up 55lbs

    Jacob 35:30 Rx'd

    This was a bad idea, 100 135lb squat cleans in 2 days is what's going to get me rhabdo again! I hate life...

  7. On the catch-up trail. Warmed up with a mile in 8:49. Legs sore as shit after the 400m lunge walk. Subbed ball under ass + feet under bar for GHDSU's. Otherwise as RX'ed.

    11 rounds in 20:08

    Had to share the BX machine on the very last round (FUCK!). Fun WOD.


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