Thursday, November 19, 2009

Rest Day Thoughts: Why do you do the WOD?

Stubbs get his first Muscle Up!!


  1. It really hurts to poop.... ugh. I read that 50% of men by the age of 50 will get hemorrhoids, so have fun boys, half of you are next! Especially with being heavy lifters. But actually cardiovascular exercise decreases the chances. My dad told me last night "son, I've had those come and go all my life, once you get em' they always come back." I also read they are hereditary.

    In regards to my anus, one could say "That thing's got a Hemi in it."

    Ha... sucks.

    Between being sick all the time and now this, I really haven't WOD'd very much lately and it kills me, I love to WO!

    Some day I'll catch back up.

  2. Mikey: Happy Birthday! How old are you today? Enjoy the rest day. I know you have been feeling a little rough, but checking back through the records, it looks to me like you have been logging some prs lately.

    Craig: I had a little friend like yours in college once. You need to relax, not be in a hurry, don't force things, and just let it happen. You can still deadlift and do pullups & pushups, but I wouldn't squat til it is completely gone.

    WODoers: Why do we WOD.

    My dog Stubbs got his first muscle up yesterday. I often walk my dogs up a valley with a creek instead of going out to lunch, one of the perks of living in a small town where you can't buy auto parts on Sunday. The creek is pretty frozen from now until May, but there is still open water. Stubbs went through the ice trying to get a drink. It wasn't life or death, cause I could easily run out and break through the ice and get him, but he didn't know that, and it was fucking cold, so that was the last option.

    There was a long stick I sent out to him, but he doesn't speak very good English, so I couldn't tell him to grab on with his mouth and let me pull him in.

    He started to freak out a little, but he also started doggie muscle up. I saw he was starting to get it, so I started cheering him on. It took quite a bit of effort on his part, but he got'er done.

    That moment reaffirmed for me why I do the wod. It is not because I really care how fast I can do 100 pullups or how much I can deadlift, or if I ever quit drinking enough beer to get a six pack. It is because I want to be ready for the unknown and the unknowable. Or like Pat Lupton once said responding to a crossfit critic, "Fuck a hundred pull-ups, what I want is to know I can to one when everything is on the line." For it it can be summed up,I want to know that regardless of the outcome, I have prepared myself to face what life dishes out.

  3. Justin, great post! Love this sort of stuff.

    Why do I WOD?
    Your line of reasoning here is a big reason.

    I want to be able to walk up two flights of stairs with groceries when I am an old man.

    More mental and physical energy overall.

    I work at a desk, our bodies were not designed for this, you need to work it to strengthen your joints, etc.

    Exercise releases chemicals in the brain that make you feel happy (improve your mood)! (really!)

    The comradery of CrossFit, and the friendly competition, these things are good.

    CrossFit makes you tougher mentally, which helps in all areas of life.

    Stronger people are harder to kill, and generally more useful (Coach Rip quote)

    Exercise counters stress, which causes all sorts of health problems.

    Reduces risk of disease and early death

    Promotes better sleep

    Improves sex drive

    IT'S FUN!!

    It gives you hemorrhoids, which are cool!

  4. Kook: Thanks for the birthday wishes. I turn 29 today. I have been getting better every day. The part that we have to remember is that while we're challenging each other, the true test is against ourselves.

    Teach that dog some English would ya? It's not like he's a pup any more. He's gotta be at least 6 in dog years.

    Why do I WOD?

    To control my weight. If I didn't work out, it'd be bad.

    It's the best combination of all types of workouts that I've ever done.

    Since starting crossfit my ROM in my shoulders and neck has increased tremendously.

    And, comraderie/competition with you all.

    Later fellas.

  5. Ass swell is improving. Perhaps I shall WOD tomorrow. I was thinking of a non ass strenuous WOD. 10 rounds of
    10 burpees
    10 pullups
    10 ring dips

    I like it.

    We'll see what the site says.

    Deadlifts Justin? Is that why they call you kook? that puts about as much strain on the sphincter muscles as anything, because it puts a ton of strain on ALL muscles, right? Maybe I'm doing it wrong....

  6. Mike, I never met you but Happy Birthday!

    Justin, nice post.

    Why do I WOD?

    I do it because I want to stay as physically and mentally strong as long as I possibly can.

    Like Craig and probably all of us, I want to be able to take care of myself in my senior years.

    I want to extend my life as long as I can with the things that are within my control.

    I want to set an example and be a positive role model in my kids lives. (little bastards are doing CrossFit for kids occassionally) : )

    This blog and the people who post to it. You all seem like you are a great bunch of guys. Who knows, maybe some day we can all meet and do CoasttoCoastCrossFitCrew WOD together. Maybe that sounds corny but who gives a shit.

    Thanks for the motivation guys.


  7. Why do I wod? I do and will always love something about seeing a task at hand that is big a gnarly and saying fuckit and going for it. I also do not want to be old and not functional. We have control over a very few things in life and our fitness and diet are 2 that I choose to put high in my priorities. You never know when Death is going to reach out grab you. So I'm going to do whatever I can to prevent that.


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