Sunday, November 1, 2009

Run 4x800m RAN

Rest as Needed


  1. WODoers:

    I should have run. Rowed 1000m x 4 with exactly 3:30 for rest each round. For some reason I was sore and slow today. Is it normal for abs to hurt while rowing?


    Glad to be done.

    I know this wouldn't work for the non-milk crew, but I have using EAS protein powder 30 minutes after each work out. 1.5 scoops of powder, 1 cup vitamin D milk, two cups frozen berries, blend the shit out of it. It is only about 350 to 400 calories with 40 grams of protein and the best part is I am not hungry at all until lunch. The second best part is remaining belly is shrinking daily and muscles appear to be growing.

  2. Justin, that protein shake sounds very similiar to the one I have. Craig told me about EAS protein and just bought a 5lb. bag of it. I sometimes throw some nuts in there as well. Almonds and/or Walnuts, again a Craig idea. It's good stuff.

    We'll call Round 1 my warmup round because it sucked ass. Too many beers from Halloween last night apparently.

    Round 1 4:00
    Round 2 3:49
    Round 3 3:45
    Round 4 3:32(pr by 5 seconds!!)

    My body is feeling yesterday's nastiness BIG time.

    Later guys.

  3. I thought this was a bear of a partner WOD that I recommend to anyone who wants to get beat on for an hour or so. If anyone does this WOD let me know.

    It just came to me since I was trying to get my friend into the weight room at the station with the promise of a good workout in under an hour.

    PM WOD


    With a partner complete both an ascending ladder and descending ladder from 1 rep up to 10 reps, back down to 1 rep of each movement, for a total of 100 reps per movement, for time.

    Walking Dumbbell Lunges, 60lb/25lb (1 rep per step)
    Glute Ham Sit-ups
    Dumbbell Push Jerk, 60lb/25lb
    Jumping Chest to Bar Pull-ups

    Jacob (60's) and Furno (25's) 48:00 (Estimate)

  4. Ran this one outside tonight. Google measured half miles. I had to stopped shortly to help a lady with her runaway dog in round 1. Rests were in the 3 - 3:30 range.

    Round 1 - 4:17
    Round 2 - 4:28
    Round 3 - 4:28
    Round 4 - 4:30

    My outside mile pace appears to be about 30 - 45 seconds faster than my indoor treadmill pace. Is this typical for others?

  5. Yo dudes. This morning I was sore as hell from Angie's big sister "Gargantina".... damn. I haven't done 800M sprints since high school, but today I said screw it, I'm going for it. It was 20 something degrees and dark, really cool feeling. Did two of those and then did two 1 K rows. Favorite part of the WOD was the faster run, worst part of the WOD was the faster 1K row because it damn near killed me dead.

    Run 1 = 3:33
    Run 2 = 3:24 (PR)
    Row 1K 1 = 3:30 (PR)
    Row 1K 2 = 3:45 (damper on 10, felt pukey)

    I pushed hard like hell today. I guess I can run pretty good, I got long legs! I really love running. Sucks bad that my knee is jacked. We'll see how much it swells and gets sore next coupel of days. I wrapped it up really good before heading out this morning.

    Another difference is that I chose to go to the right out of my driveway, which is a flat street. My wife and I measured it with my GPS twice yesterday to verify the distances. Before I would also go to the left which is uphill and I have to jump up a sidewalk, run on grass, then on a windy path. The way I did today was just a bee line out and back on flat ground except for my driveway. On the 3:24 run, I got to the half way mark in about 1:30, then I gassed and had to slow it down. That 1K row was just awful. I almost didn't do the second row, but I know you guys are out there not quitting, and like Jacob said, it's quitting on yourself. We don't do that.

  6. Oh Justin... I do the same type of protien drink after all WODs. 2 1/2 scoops of EAS protien (about 35 grams of protien), some low glycemic fruit, about 8-10 almonds, and some milk. Keeps me full for hours like you said!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Nice work Fletcher, put a little hustle behind that muscle.

    I feel like complete crap after "Furno"

    Still managed to do some stuff at the FD.

    Warm Up:
    30 minutes on treadmil at 4 mph at a 15 grade.


    3 Rounds for time of:
    10 Kettlebell Swings, 2 Pood
    10 Burpee Pull-ups

    Jacob 3:21 Rx'd

    Flat Bench 15-15-12-12-10-10-5-5


    Other random cable fly stuff and push-up sets. My chest is real tight, both good and bad.



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