Saturday, November 28, 2009


The 3 Bars of Death:


Bench Press


  1. BW 187

    Not exactly RX'd on the weight but close enough to kick my ass.

    DL 255
    BP 185
    C 135

    TT: 30:06 (pr)

  2. WODoers: Did 100 tabata burpees for time this morning cause I was traveling again. Took about fourteen minutes and was a good wod. Never went below sets of three at the end, so I think it actually built up my burpee endurance even though total time was probably significantly slower than doing 100 anyway I could.

    Chris: Nice work on Linda. I may and try her this cycle, but I am so fucking sore in my legs and abs it hurts to do anything besides sit or laydown, and it hurts to move from sitting to laying down!

  3. Ha fucking Ha, just saw Joshie come up for tomorrow. I better not sneeze on monday or I think I will pass out from the pain.

  4. After the stupid stuff I've been up to lately I'm out for tomorrow.

    Screw Joshie, but more like screw me.

    Pain all over my lower half.

  5. I got a little heavier thanks to thanksgiving.
    BW 180
    dl 275
    bp 185
    sc 135
    23:34. Oh but it felt so good to fall off the Paleo wagon. At least when it was going down. Normal food now makes my stomach hurt. Back to it No grains, no dairy, no sugar, no salt, and no legumes.

  6. I did Linda Light this morning. Three reasons: 1) My lil buddy is lurking 2) time. I had somewhere to be by 6:45 this morning and was up late last night and 3) I want to do the Lumberjack/Fort Hood WOD RX'd (maybe except some of the runs) on Saturday.

    So I scaled way down and did AMRAP in 20
    I got the 10-9-8-7- and 6 round done in 19:15

    BW = 210
    DL = 205 (I know, wimpy, but good for metcon)
    Cleans = 125 (squat cleans)
    BP = 140 lbs (2 70 lb dumbbells)

    It was still a lot of work, but nothing like real Linda. I don't even know if I could do Linda RX'd. If I did, it would be DL-315 (yah right? My 1RM is 385) Clean 157.5 and BP 210. That would be nearly inconceivable. I'm not that strong pound for pound like you Myles. Great time.

  7. What I meant by the Lumberjack WOD is, heavy deads take me a while to recover from and that WOD is just 4 days out. They have us doing 275x20 there so I want to be fresh for that.


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