Saturday, November 21, 2009


21 HSP
run 400
21 weighted p/u
15 HSP
run 400
15 weighted p/u
run 400
9 weighted p/u


  1. WODoers: I am pretty happy just not fucking up the order on this bastard.

    Rowed 500m instead of run
    L-pullups on rings wearing 20# vest

    Total time 23:28

    HSP range of motion got better as the wod went on. Finally completely pain free. I will be full ROM again within a couple of weeks.

  2. Yo dudes. I was going to row a 5K, rowed 1500M in about 5 minutes and then said "Screw this" (rowing is so nasty!) So then I did this WOD RX'd instead. TT = 21:45

    Best I've ever felt on HSPU's, but I guess I can't say totally RX'd, cos I went to head touching AbMat. I actually did like 5 at a time a couple of times which for me is a miracle. Good to see the shoulder coming back around.

    Also, Justin, you are a bad man. I read your post on my iPhone this morning (the posts get emailed to me) and saw you did WLPU's so I did the same with rings and 20 lb vest. Never did more than three of those unbroken, usually 1's and 2's.

    Had a poker party last night and got hammered, super fun time. This worked the hangover right outta me. Such is the way of the CrossFit.

  3. HSPU's felt real good today. Did 11 unbroken in round 1 then finished off with 6 and 5. Rounds 2 and 3 weren't as good.

    My runs were pretty good today for me. I ran on the treadmill between 7.5 & 8 mph

    Weighted pullups were hard. I used a 25# dumbbell between my feet. My pullups don't compare to you two, as my time will show. L Pullups are alot harder and then to throw a weighted vested on top of that is crazy.

    Good WOD.

    21's 6:27
    15's 6:07
    9'S 4:34

    TT: 17:10

  4. I meant 5 & 5 on the HSPU's in Round 1

  5. Fletch: More proof that God loves us and wants us to drink beer. I took the GMAT for the second time today. The first time I studied all week, a few hours a night, didn't work out, and didn't drink anything. The result was a 530 - not bad, but average. This time, I studied an hour or two randomly throughout the weeks while at work. Then, last night I went out for after work beers with the guys then called up this girl I've been seeing, knocked one out last night and again this morning, then went and took the test and got a 590! - not great, but better than average, top business schools have averages around 620. So, beer and sex must do wonders for the mind.

    Off to do the birthday WOD combinatino of Angie and Jerk L-up.

  6. Triple WOD day yesterday, good love'em.

    Pr'd my deadlift 405lbs!

    Pr'd my weighted pull-up 150lbs!


    And for the closer.

    21 HSPU
    400m Run
    21 Pull-ups
    15 HSPU
    400m Run
    15 Pull-ups
    9 HSPU
    400m Run
    9 Pull-ups

    Jacob 12:20 (+20lb vest for entire WOD, even the HSPU)

    All I can say is that this is the first, and quite possibly the last time I'll ever do weighted HSPU!

  7. The Angie Jerk L-up WOD

    5 rounds of:

    15 95# Push Jerks
    15 Close Grip PU's
    15 Lower Abdominal Leg Lifters
    20 Pullups
    20 Pushups
    20 Situps
    20 Squats

    Only had time to complete 4 rounds before the gym closed on me.

    TT = 37:29, projected TT of 46-48 minutes

    Actually a pretty fun one.

  8. I'm a couple days late, but I'm finally caught up. Subbed ass-to-standing rope climbs for pull-ups so that I didn't have to walk all the way across the gym in the middle of rounds.

    Run 400m
    21 HSPU
    7 a2s rope climbs
    Run 400m
    15 HSPU
    5 a2s rope climbs
    Run 400m
    9 HSPU
    3 a2s rope climbs

    TT = 17:39


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