Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Shoulder Day


  1. Hey Bloggmiester Craig: How come I can't read the comments from the last time we did shoulder day?

    WODoers: Not having a rack is going to make me really good at cleans. Also, bumpers have a big gap between 165 and 185, so I guess I will have to get stronger in a hurry.

    SP 115x3,135,1,155x1,165x1,185 failed 3x but got it moving
    PP 155x3,165x3,185x3,205x2 PR on power clean
    SP 155x5,185x5 out of time

  2. Justin I admire your willingness to go big or go home on the cleans, but take a trip down to Sports Authority and pick this up for under 200 bucks


    It's not top of line, but it will get the job done. Then you can do pretty much all the lifts at your home gym. Just my 2 cents for the day. I'll hit this WOD up later on today. Glad it doesn't involve the legs that much. I am sore as hell from the Burpee & BW Squat WOD.


  3. Justinulous:

    I have the same rack, got it for the same price. Like Chris said, it's not super duper heavy duty, in fact it's a little bit flimsy, but it gets the job done. It's not like it's going to fall over or anything. I've had 325ish on there and it was totally fine. In fact, that's when we were doing back squats during the CF Total (I failed the 325) when Chris was out. Chris is coming out again in January so that will be cool, more C2CCC buddy WOD action. Hopefully Fran won't pop up again. Chris can't breathe way up here, but he can sure lift!

    Dudes, taking another day off so my Dodge Hemi can get more rest. The BW BS/Burpee WOD brought that sucker back with a vengeance. Boy do I miss a lot of WODs..... and I hate that. No wonder I am progressing so slowly.

    Justinius - Not sure why you can't read the comments, I can't either. The blog just got hosed I guess. I keep all of my recordable PR's (not the one-off weirdo WODs) in a spreadsheet for that very reason.

  4. Check out the stuff on the main site today about next Saturday's hero WOD to honor the Fort Hood victims. One of the only things I hate more than 100+ burpees is Islamic Extremism!!!!!

  5. Chris Amazon has the same rack for 152.00 plus free 2 day shipping if you're a prime member. I actually have 2 of these racks. They're decent and I was lucky to get them for 130.00 new to my door over a year ago, but yeah they're worth it. You just have to weight them down when your lifting heavy and want to dump the weight into the rack, if not they might move on you.

    Other then that... WOD went so so today.

    SP 130-140-150-170-175*Assist
    PP 160-170-180-190-200
    PJ 180-190-200-210-220x3


    Max rep dead hang Pull-ups (3 sets)

    Max rep dead hang Chin-ups (3 sets)

  6. Jacob, Good call on Amazon. Holy crap dude seriously some killer numbers today. If today was so so, I can only imagine what you would put on a great day.

    Overall pretty happy with my numbers. I ran out of gas on the PJ's though. Maybe I need to increase my rest times. I usually take 2-3 minutes. Long WOD, but I love me some shoulder work.

    155-165-175-185x2 nothing left in the tank but still a pr

    Peace out!

  7. I dnf'd this one, no time
    sp 135, 145, 155, 165, 175
    pp 165, 175, 185, 195, 205

  8. Shoulders are my weakest link, but I am seeing small improvements.

    SP - 135-140-145(easy this time, hard last time)-160(with slight dip, cheated)-150 clean

    PR was a year ago first time doing it 165, so that injury really set me back.

    PP 3's - 135-150-170-185(PR)-195(PR)
    Previous PR was 185x1 rep. I think I can get in the 200's but felt satisfied to stopped.

    PJ - 155x5, then bad shoulder started to burn and sting so that means STOP! or else I go backwards again. That's OK, got a PMFR today.

  9. Late WOD make-up.

    SP - 135, 155, 175, 185f, 185f
    PP - 155, 175, 195, 205x2
    PJ - 135, 165, 185, 205x3

    This is as much a wrist workout as it is shoulders.


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