Sunday, November 15, 2009

Noise Solution

My new bumpers were so loud I had to do something or my girlfriend and the neighbors were going to kill me at 5:45a.m. I figure out a solution for under $50 bucks not counting stall mats. I already had the stall mats and I cut them up and add some 3/4 inch filler strips of particle board. Then I put down a layer of carpet pad I had laying around on the bumper cushions. I bought $30 worth of pipe inuslation and laid it in sideways and covered that with another carpet pad. I ripped down some of the 3/4 material and made a border on the pads. I put my second stall matt on the top and then glued and screwed it all together. It would have been another $30 buck if I didn't have the 3/4 material laying around, but way cheaper than any of the solutions I found on the web and damn quiet. Just let me know if you want more details.

1 comment:

  1. "Cody"

    For Time:
    200 Ring Push-ups
    200 OHS, 45lbs
    *Partition sets as needed.

    Jacob 17:27 Rx'd

    It sucked!


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