Monday, November 16, 2009



  1. WODoers:

    Got a Pr, but I didn't get the burn I used to from angie. My abs and arms were so tired from the last cycle that my met con ability greatly exceeded my muscles ability to contract. It was still good though.

    6:06,4:59,3:12,2:01 TT= 16:19 PR

    I know I could go faster, but I will just have to take it one year at a time. Also, I need to add push ups back into my warm up, that time is embarrassing.

  2. Justin, I think your time is AWESOME!!

    This WOD is obviously my goat. Last time it came up 9/29 I knew I did horrible, time was 21:20. This time I wanted to get sub 20 for sure. Nope. I don't know what it is with this WOD. There is something magically nasty that it does to me. I think it's the 100 pullups to start with. It causes a snowball effect, my muscles just couldn't do it, my wind was fine. My abs were pretty damn sore from the L's on Saturday too. TT today a sucky 21:43. Sucks.

    Last time
    First 50 pullups = 3:13
    Next 50 pullups = 4:49
    Pushups = 4:46
    Situps = 4:42
    Squats = 3:49

    This time:
    First 50 pullups = 3:15 (+2)
    Next 50 pullups = 5:06 (+17)
    Pushups = 4:56 (+10)
    Situps = 4:47 (+5)
    Squats = 3:27 (-22)

    I don't know why my abs and legs were burning so bad. I should be able to do the situps and squats way faster than that.

    I need to borrow one of my baby son's puscifiers and sit in the corner and suck on it for a while with a flowery bonnet on my head and a diaper and think about what I've done.

  3. Way to go guys on Angie. Fletcher you're a little too hard on yourself. I think if you just gamed your WOD's to your abilities a little bit you would incrimentally get better with each WOD, cutting out some of your setbacks, but balls out seems to be your only speed. I thought my AM WOD would've been not as bad as Angie, but it turned out being even worse.


    For Time:
    200 Ring Push-ups
    200 OHS, 45lbs
    *Partition sets as needed.

    Jacob 17:27 Rx'd

    It sucked!

  4. Please no more freaking pullups this cycle. Enough already... Who the hell pissed off Coach? I really hate this WOD in case you didn't figure that out.

    Times not great but a whole lot better then last time.

    First 50 Pullups 3:19
    Second 50 Pullups 3:52
    Pushups - 4:15
    Situps - 3:27
    Squats - 4:12

    TT: 19:06(pr)

  5. So did this today with a less than intense attitude. Came to the gym all pumped up then was distracted by the owner of our building for 30 minutes just shootin fat. So w/o warmup got 16:40 previously got 14:07. I have been straying a bunch from the .com wod because I wanted to work on my weekness's with oly lifts. It has sacraficed my metcon performance. So I'm almost ready top get back on the .com horse and hang with you animals. Peace out Myles

  6. Hey fellas,

    Sounds like we're all feeling a little shitty for one reason or another. I am still catching up. Did Eva today.

    TT = 52:19

    Keep on keeping on! Turkey Day and a few days of rest are on the way. Later fellas.

  7. Craig: You are way too hard on yourself. You have to be pretty damned healthy just to do angie as rx'd. Try this strategy next time on the pull ups and push ups. Never do more than 10 in a row. Do sets of 10 with 10 seconds rest until you can't. Then do sets of 5 with 5 seconds rest, then sets of 3 with 3 seconds rest, then 2 with 2 seconds rest until done. It seems like a lot of rest but it is really fast, trust me, I did the math. Also, do not think of it as first fifty and second, just focus on your sets and rest, you need one hundred, not fifty. That just gives you an excuse to be slower on the second fifty.

    On the situps start with sets of twenty-five and 10 seconds rest and work down from there.

    On the squats, go faster you tall bastard.


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