Monday, November 2, 2009

Snatch, Overhead Squat, Run

5 rounds for time

95# snatch x 3
95# overhead squat x 15
run 400m


  1. WODoers:

    Lots of transition time between the treadmill and weight room. Bumpers should be delivered tomorrow, so I will be running in the snow soon.

    22:42 I was weak on the running today.

  2. Snatches not too bad at all, but 75 95# OHS was just plain cruel. It made running quite enjoyable. Yeah not so much. I'm pretty sure I'll be feeling this one for the next couple days

    R1 - 3:59
    R2 - 4:13
    R3 - 4:12
    R4 - 3:53
    R5 - 3:49

    TT: 19:57

  3. 3 Rounds for time:
    10 Kettlebell Swings, 2 Pood
    10 Burpee Pull-ups

    3:21 Rx'd

    Did other stuff but nothing worth mentioning.

  4. Hey boys! Some guys here wanted to do the P90X thing as they haven't been very active (and I think I scared a couple of them w/ CrossFit a couple times). It will be fun to do this with a group of guys. We started on Monday and it is good. Different but good. I will probably throw in a WOD or 2 here and there, as I have plenty of time to do so. Will keep you guys updated.

  5. Hey Scott, Chris and I did Puss90X for 6 months. Just kidding, it's actually really hard isn't it? If you push, it will spank you. My favorites are Core Synergistics, Ab Ripper (ouch!!), Chest and Back, Plyometrics, Legs and Back... you'll feel kind of gay doing shoulders and back and kenpo. BUT... P90X will make you look good, it's more about body sculpting than it is strength and functional fitness. Plus you need an hour + a day, that's huge for me too, I don't have that much time. Do you guys get to drink beer out there? That's my main problem, I drink lots.

    This WOD sucked ass for me, fell apart in the middle. Was going to sub lesser OHS's to be nicer to my shoulder but I knew you guys were out there toughing it out. My running was really slow, and honestly it hurt too. Knee is swelling a little.

    TT = 21:50
    4:52 (wtf?)

  6. Did this one last night after playing some tennis. Shoulders hurt like hell for some reason, so I didn't do this WOD as Rx'ed. Did db work instead of barbell work so that I could cut down on the time between treadmill and lifts. Subbed 6-50# db cleans for snatches and 50# shoulder high squats for OHS's.

    TT = 22:34

    Looking forward to the day off. Later fellas.

  7. Beer, did some one say beer?? No, there is no beer here to fear. I did drink a shit ton of beer when I was home on leave a couple weeks ago. I will definately be back at CF when we are done w/ this (or when it falls apart). I am going to stick w/ this as long as everyone else does, as they need all the motivation they can get. Some of the guys REALLY need to be doing this!

  8. Tabata Abs

    Ceiling Grab Sit-ups (25lbs)
    Leg Lift Cross Chops (25lbs)
    Lying Leg Raises
    Knees To Elbows

    *8 tabata intervals followed by 1 minute rest between each movement since your targeting the same muscle group each time.

    Jacob 424

    Abs smoked.


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